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  • #Germany #robots #Baltic_Sea #WW2 #North_Sea #bombs

    #Germany #robots #Baltic_Sea #WW2 #North_Sea #bombs https://connectmyindia.com/news/german-robots-scour-the-seas-for-hidden-ww2-bombs-3114.html
    German Robots Scour the Seas for Hidden WW2 Bombs
    WW2 munitions unexploded bombs North Sea Baltic Sea German robots seabed crawlers remote-controlled robots toxic legacy munitions removal underwater bombs industrial-scale process environmental cleanup German government project
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  • "I´m a lesbian". The phrase to difuse most social bombs out there. It even works for jealous girlfriends. It´s just pure magic.
    "I´m a lesbian". The phrase to difuse most social bombs out there. It even works for jealous girlfriends. It´s just pure magic.
    6 Comments 0 Shares 387 Views
  • https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1198947356/mens-womens-drop-love-not-bombs-anti-war?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=anti+war+crimes&ref=sr_gallery-1-21&frs=1&sts=1&organic_search_click=1
    Men's / Women's 'drop Love Not Bombs' Anti-war - Etsy UK
    This Gender-Neutral Adult Sweatshirts item is sold by JoshyTees. Ships from United Kingdom. Listed on 13 Apr, 2023
    0 Comments 0 Shares 265 Views
  • A feature from VF I miss right now: Power Bombs. It was a decent way to decentralize the "policing" of shitty accounts.

    A reasonable enough alternative would be if an account on here was reported by X number of people, it could be automatically suspended until an admin reviews it.

    Something. Anything.
    A feature from VF I miss right now: Power Bombs. It was a decent way to decentralize the "policing" of shitty accounts. A reasonable enough alternative would be if an account on here was reported by X number of people, it could be automatically suspended until an admin reviews it. Something. Anything.
    4 Comments 0 Shares 267 Views
  • Hate this date 3/24. Dangerous one to go out. The most toxic political party (more like a sect or a cult actually) of my country celebrates all around the Nation the "Day of the memory". Where they remember their fallen comrades from the 70´s because of our dictatorship.

    Dictatorship which arrived because THEY in a guerrilla fashion (bombs, kidnappings, assassinations) fought against a democratic government ALSO ran by THEM (yes) which led to chaos around the Nation and hence the later response of the military.

    This political party hires people from the drug world, football (soccer) hooligans, street gangs, etc as their "muscle" to make you understand you "may be wrong" in your ideas when you are the oposition. So...basically Argentina is today a big parade of criminals of the worst caliber walking freely around the streets with drums and flags. With police so afraid that they just limit themselves to stop traffic for them to march better. I can already hear car horns everywhere from the 12th floor I live in.

    Do you remember Batman begins, when Bruce Wayne enters the restauant and Falcone points a gun at him in front of a cop, a judge, etc. And he says "That´s the power of fear".

    It´s exactly like that.
    Hate this date 3/24. Dangerous one to go out. The most toxic political party (more like a sect or a cult actually) of my country celebrates all around the Nation the "Day of the memory". Where they remember their fallen comrades from the 70´s because of our dictatorship. Dictatorship which arrived because THEY in a guerrilla fashion (bombs, kidnappings, assassinations) fought against a democratic government ALSO ran by THEM (yes) which led to chaos around the Nation and hence the later response of the military. This political party hires people from the drug world, football (soccer) hooligans, street gangs, etc as their "muscle" to make you understand you "may be wrong" in your ideas when you are the oposition. So...basically Argentina is today a big parade of criminals of the worst caliber walking freely around the streets with drums and flags. With police so afraid that they just limit themselves to stop traffic for them to march better. I can already hear car horns everywhere from the 12th floor I live in. Do you remember Batman begins, when Bruce Wayne enters the restauant and Falcone points a gun at him in front of a cop, a judge, etc. And he says "That´s the power of fear". It´s exactly like that.
    6 Comments 0 Shares 672 Views
  • Went into our owner/CEOs office when he had left for home, just to get something. And holy f*ck, this guys office looks like a damn bombshell just hit: Looks worse than my room at home, man clean your shit up; what is this
    Went into our owner/CEOs office when he had left for home, just to get something. And holy f*ck, this guys office looks like a damn bombshell just hit: Looks worse than my room at home, man clean your shit up; what is this
    0 Comments 0 Shares 326 Views
  • This will sound like shit and I know it. But I wonder why when some use weapons they are labeled as Hitler but others receive the Peace Nobel Prize.

    Bombs and bullets hardly understand of freedom or conquer. They just put an end to life stories.
    This will sound like shit and I know it. But I wonder why when some use weapons they are labeled as Hitler but others receive the Peace Nobel Prize. Bombs and bullets hardly understand of freedom or conquer. They just put an end to life stories.
    3 Comments 0 Shares 560 Views
  • Our bands new Ep God is a Dominatrix by The God Bombs is out now hopefully y’all check it out and tell us what you think
    Our bands new Ep God is a Dominatrix by The God Bombs is out now hopefully y’all check it out and tell us what you think
    0 Comments 0 Shares 422 Views