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  • I got my hair cut by a professional and I regret it. It's absolutely not what I wanted. It's too short in the back and too long on the sides. It looks like 1920s flapper girl bair, not the rounded curly cut I wanted. Ffs. I've never been depressed over my hair before.
    I got my hair cut by a professional and I regret it. It's absolutely not what I wanted. It's too short in the back and too long on the sides. It looks like 1920s flapper girl bair, not the rounded curly cut I wanted. Ffs. I've never been depressed over my hair before.
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  • Best to do things you won't regret, but if you do, don't make it worse by doing more things you'll regret.
    Best to do things you won't regret, but if you do, don't make it worse by doing more things you'll regret.
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  • #beard #change #shave #viking #kate_moss
    #beard #change #shave #viking #kate_moss THIS IS AN ABOMINATION!!! https://sg.style.yahoo.com/wife-expresses-her-regret-making-211354119.html
    Wife expresses her regret for making husband shave his beard after seeing the results
    ‘Girl... he went from I’ll chop the firewood to can you open this pickle jar for me?’
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  • not a great week. friend of mine in the hospital, he will be ok i really do hope, been busy as hell at work just a lot going on, physical therapy for my injured shoulder x2 a week, work has been very busy with a 50% off supplements sale so the wellness department is just going 24/7 pretty much every shift to keep up with inventory. of the 3 locations of Lakewinds i think mine is probably the busiest. I really don't regret my job though i work with some great people there.
    not a great week. friend of mine in the hospital, he will be ok i really do hope, been busy as hell at work just a lot going on, physical therapy for my injured shoulder x2 a week, work has been very busy with a 50% off supplements sale so the wellness department is just going 24/7 pretty much every shift to keep up with inventory. of the 3 locations of Lakewinds i think mine is probably the busiest. I really don't regret my job though i work with some great people there.
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  • The damage is done, I gave it my best. You got what you came for, now I'm choking on regrets, I'm out of breath. It already hurts, you're making it worse. Why does it feel like you're just fucking with my head? You're in my head! It's too late, just move on, you can't right all these wrongs. So, I'm gone! I can't fix what you've become. The damage is done!
    The damage is done, I gave it my best. You got what you came for, now I'm choking on regrets, I'm out of breath. It already hurts, you're making it worse. Why does it feel like you're just fucking with my head? You're in my head! It's too late, just move on, you can't right all these wrongs. So, I'm gone! I can't fix what you've become. The damage is done!
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  • VF was a confusing place. I regret a lot of stuff I said, did and who I met on there. The one thing that will always stick with me was that time MCTooTall threatened to curbstomp me if he ever saw me in NYC and then went on to talking about how he wanted to fuck me. Sometimes I can't tell if it was real or a fever dream.
    VF was a confusing place. I regret a lot of stuff I said, did and who I met on there. The one thing that will always stick with me was that time MCTooTall threatened to curbstomp me if he ever saw me in NYC and then went on to talking about how he wanted to fuck me. Sometimes I can't tell if it was real or a fever dream.
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  • Too early to start drinking...too late to regret it.
    Too early to start drinking...too late to regret it.
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  • This week is draining. I have a lot going on. Although it is mainly fun stuff and doing things I enjoy, I am not used to be so busy and socialize much. I smell a shudown coming on Sunday.
    But tbh I don't regret exposing myself to a little more social interactions it is something I really need to do in order to learn reading and dealing with social situations better. Nonetheless it is a draining process.
    This week is draining. I have a lot going on. Although it is mainly fun stuff and doing things I enjoy, I am not used to be so busy and socialize much. I smell a shudown coming on Sunday. But tbh I don't regret exposing myself to a little more social interactions it is something I really need to do in order to learn reading and dealing with social situations better. Nonetheless it is a draining process.
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  • What am I doing with my life?
    I regret not taking the risks I needed to earlier in my lifespan,
    And now I'm stuck where I'm at.
    I wish I could go back and go to the exact event where it all went downhill.
    It's hard to shake off the feelings of a failure, even if I don't play compare and contrast with others, I still feel such a way.
    It's disheartening, but with a lot of experience and empathy under my belt, I have li'l to nothing to show for it.
    I've fucked up...
    What am I doing with my life? I regret not taking the risks I needed to earlier in my lifespan, And now I'm stuck where I'm at. I wish I could go back and go to the exact event where it all went downhill. It's hard to shake off the feelings of a failure, even if I don't play compare and contrast with others, I still feel such a way. It's disheartening, but with a lot of experience and empathy under my belt, I have li'l to nothing to show for it. I've fucked up...
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  • Week off from work. Time to get s**t faced and do something I'll regret.
    Week off from work. Time to get s**t faced and do something I'll regret.
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