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  • If you like movies like Zebraman you should watch "Hentai Kamen" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaHzNyThfqM
    If you like movies like Zebraman you should watch "Hentai Kamen" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaHzNyThfqM
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  • That feelings when you finish a series or a book and it was so good it leaves you practically purposeless because you got emotionally absorbed and committed to the story that you can’t start on anything else for a while because you need to get over it all first...
    I love and hate this feeling.
    That feelings when you finish a series or a book and it was so good it leaves you practically purposeless because you got emotionally absorbed and committed to the story that you can’t start on anything else for a while because you need to get over it all first... I love and hate this feeling.
    3 Comments 0 Shares
  • when your husband and a few friends believe in you,you can do anything.
    when your husband and a few friends believe in you,you can do anything.
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  • So when I went to see marilyn manson live I saw this blind person there and I said "These seats suck I cant see anything, can you?" and she actually laughed. It was definitely either going to go real bad or get a laugh so I wanted to see the result. To be fair if she got upset with me she wouldnt be able to point me out anyway.
    So when I went to see marilyn manson live I saw this blind person there and I said "These seats suck I cant see anything, can you?" and she actually laughed. It was definitely either going to go real bad or get a laugh so I wanted to see the result. To be fair if she got upset with me she wouldnt be able to point me out anyway.
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  • Ahhh. My depression & anxiety is back to a 10. Three days ago we where told we have to move because our landlord is selling our home. Again. We were not finically prepared and have only 1 option. Noah n I r moving into a trailer at my fathers, I can’t bring my animals because they will b confined n neglected. My dog I’ve had 8years barks if left alone, n we both work full time. Etc. PJ is looking for a place to live, my nephew has to move back to Arizona, he’s been with me since my brother passed away n our friend/roommate was crying in our driveway when we pulled in last night from taking a load of my stuff to storage.
    This has made me physically ill. I’m soooooooo unhappy with moving into this situation however no one has the $ to pay first,last night security deposit @ a new place this fast other then our roommate n I, n I go out of the country for a month sept 3.
    I’m very worried about the stress this is gonna put in my relationship with pj & I’m still trying to finish my paintings for my solo show in a week in Orlando.
    I’m gonna make the best out of it, but it’s very hard to see anything positive about it. Living on my father’s property is immensely repressive and his personally is unusually difficult. he kicked us out 3 months ago because of small annoyances. He gave us 2 days to move. I swore I would never return & I stopped shooting daily life videos then because I’ve been so depressed. I just got on medication for my depression a week ago. Ahhh, the eggshells to walk on with my father or it will happen again.
    I have had no stability since 2018. Moving constantly, Landloards selling my home repeatedly without enough time to properly prepare for next chapter. I’m soooo glad I was never able to have kids, just seeing the stress this has put on my relationships & animals is horrible. I can’t imagine dragging a child through the shit that has been my life.
    I don’t share this to often, it’s to private and ugly, but this has been the second worse chapter of my life.
    With all the death, displacement & deletion of the platforms I have worked so hard on, it’s been very hard to want to move forward. My x that left me in 2018, when this all started. Loosing my st pete home I was in 8 years n my resort, often joked that “my life was in shambles”. Loosing him was devastating during that change. I’m grateful for PJ & Noah for sticking around. PJ 15 years, Noah 3 years. I’ve moved 7 times since I’ve been with Noah the last 3 years. This will be the 8th. PJ was crying in his sleep last night. His girlfriend of 4 years just ended it with him a month ago & he’s been taking it very hard.
    (Pj, Noah & I are polyamorous) I’m lucky in that field.
    There is sooooooo much more but that’s is only the stuff that I can say publicly.
    I have cryed soooo much in the last couple days my mussels hurt & im dehydrated. I wish I had 3 months to prepare. It’s 3-4am n I can’t sleep and I have work at 5am. I just want my life to stop sucking. I’m sick of pretending everything is ok. I just want to be ok. Even if only for 6 months without loosing someone or something huge.
    At least I no longer have to sleep in the bed, in the bedroom of my x Drew who died a year ago while he had been living with us off n on for 10 years. I still dream of him, not living in our space will help me move on from that trama. There is a silver ligning.

    Ahhh. 😩 My depression & anxiety is back to a 10. Three days ago we where told we have to move because our landlord is selling our home. Again. We were not finically prepared and have only 1 option. Noah n I r moving into a trailer at my fathers, I can’t bring my animals because they will b confined n neglected. My dog I’ve had 8years barks if left alone, n we both work full time. Etc. PJ is looking for a place to live, my nephew has to move back to Arizona, he’s been with me since my brother passed away n our friend/roommate was crying in our driveway when we pulled in last night from taking a load of my stuff to storage. This has made me physically ill. I’m soooooooo unhappy with moving into this situation however no one has the $ to pay first,last night security deposit @ a new place this fast other then our roommate n I, n I go out of the country for a month sept 3. I’m very worried about the stress this is gonna put in my relationship with pj & I’m still trying to finish my paintings for my solo show in a week in Orlando. I’m gonna make the best out of it, but it’s very hard to see anything positive about it. Living on my father’s property is immensely repressive and his personally is unusually difficult. he kicked us out 3 months ago because of small annoyances. He gave us 2 days to move. I swore I would never return & I stopped shooting daily life videos then because I’ve been so depressed. I just got on medication for my depression a week ago. Ahhh, the eggshells to walk on with my father or it will happen again. I have had no stability since 2018. Moving constantly, Landloards selling my home repeatedly without enough time to properly prepare for next chapter. I’m soooo glad I was never able to have kids, just seeing the stress this has put on my relationships & animals is horrible. I can’t imagine dragging a child through the shit that has been my life. I don’t share this to often, it’s to private and ugly, but this has been the second worse chapter of my life. With all the death, displacement & deletion of the platforms I have worked so hard on, it’s been very hard to want to move forward. My x that left me in 2018, when this all started. Loosing my st pete home I was in 8 years n my resort, often joked that “my life was in shambles”. Loosing him was devastating during that change. I’m grateful for PJ & Noah for sticking around. PJ 15 years, Noah 3 years. I’ve moved 7 times since I’ve been with Noah the last 3 years. This will be the 8th. PJ was crying in his sleep last night. His girlfriend of 4 years just ended it with him a month ago & he’s been taking it very hard. (Pj, Noah & I are polyamorous) I’m lucky in that field. There is sooooooo much more but that’s is only the stuff that I can say publicly. I have cryed soooo much in the last couple days my mussels hurt & im dehydrated. I wish I had 3 months to prepare. It’s 3-4am n I can’t sleep and I have work at 5am. I just want my life to stop sucking. I’m sick of pretending everything is ok. I just want to be ok. Even if only for 6 months without loosing someone or something huge. At least I no longer have to sleep in the bed, in the bedroom of my x Drew who died a year ago while he had been living with us off n on for 10 years. I still dream of him, not living in our space will help me move on from that trama. There is a silver ligning. 😩 Instagram.com/XZanthia_OctoShroom
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  • #Ukraine #Russia #war #mercenaries #Chosen_Company #atrocities #Russian_prisoners #POWs #Geneva #executions #NYT

    #Ukraine #Russia #war #mercenaries #Chosen_Company #atrocities #Russian_prisoners #POWs #Geneva #executions #NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/06/world/europe/ukraine-russia-killings-us.html
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  • Been awhile since Ive been here. Anything new going on? The entire place was spambots last time.
    Been awhile since Ive been here. Anything new going on? The entire place was spambots last time.
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  • I went to put air in my tire after the gym and noticed this woman pumping gas and I said to her "hey you think the prices of gas are good?" She said "no they were much better a few years ago, why?" I said "your sticker on your car says Biden 2020, thank yourself and the false ballets for that. Have a great day and in November remember this conversation." She looked shocked and didn't say anything.
    I went to put air in my tire after the gym and noticed this woman pumping gas and I said to her "hey you think the prices of gas are good?" She said "no they were much better a few years ago, why?" I said "your sticker on your car says Biden 2020, thank yourself and the false ballets for that. Have a great day and in November remember this conversation." She looked shocked and didn't say anything.
    10 Comments 0 Shares
  • i can snap like this anytime...

    If someone looks at me the wrong way. or somethin obscure,

    Torment & Punishment

    i can snap like this anytime... If someone looks at me the wrong way. or somethin obscure, Torment & Punishment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dH1QmfQnWbg
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  • Good morning you sexy lot or whatever the hell it is where you are lol. I know some of you are struggling and I just wanted to remind you that no matter what your struggles are you sincerely do have this. I know some days you feel like you get your ass run over but ya know what it happens, it does NOT mean to give up. Dust yourselves off and try again. You arent alone we all deal with shit days and so much more so talk to people, vent, seek help when you need it and just remember that life CAN get better and before anyone puts anything negative on this I will delete the comment <3 Sending you sexies love and light!
    Good morning you sexy lot or whatever the hell it is where you are lol. I know some of you are struggling and I just wanted to remind you that no matter what your struggles are you sincerely do have this. I know some days you feel like you get your ass run over but ya know what it happens, it does NOT mean to give up. Dust yourselves off and try again. You arent alone we all deal with shit days and so much more so talk to people, vent, seek help when you need it and just remember that life CAN get better and before anyone puts anything negative on this I will delete the comment <3 Sending you sexies love and light!
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