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  • I joined occult groups on FB & I get harassed by Christians-i'm not religious but I'm spiritual and I have Polytheistic beliefs although even among so-called like-minded people that are open-minded and practice witchcraft there is a minority of Witches, Occultists, Satanists that are a spiritual narcissist, sexist or a misogynist & a sadistic bully/troll.
    They are condescending & dictate how they practice witchcraft is apparently the "correct way" or the "only way" to practice witchcraft-no one is superior just because they work with demons, it also doesn't make you less than if you don't work with demons, Deities or spirits.
    Sacrificing people/animals is morally & ethically wrong and I will never do that, I will never practice witchcraft on purpose to harm a innocent person or practice witchcraft against someone on purpose so it affects their consent or free will.
    I'm so done with unprovoked toxicity, hostility, unjustified/undeserved hatred & intolerance of me just because i'm a woman.
    I joined occult groups on FB & I get harassed by Christians-i'm not religious but I'm spiritual and I have Polytheistic beliefs although even among so-called like-minded people that are open-minded and practice witchcraft there is a minority of Witches, Occultists, Satanists that are a spiritual narcissist, sexist or a misogynist & a sadistic bully/troll. They are condescending & dictate how they practice witchcraft is apparently the "correct way" or the "only way" to practice witchcraft-no one is superior just because they work with demons, it also doesn't make you less than if you don't work with demons, Deities or spirits. Sacrificing people/animals is morally & ethically wrong and I will never do that, I will never practice witchcraft on purpose to harm a innocent person or practice witchcraft against someone on purpose so it affects their consent or free will. I'm so done with unprovoked toxicity, hostility, unjustified/undeserved hatred & intolerance of me just because i'm a woman.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • re-tuned my Jackson Kelly guitar, was going to work on music tonight but am just way too tired from the week. cleaned the condo appointment's the past 2 days. have physical therapy for my right shoulder tomorrow before work then a closeting shift. trying to find time to visit a friend in the hospital when i can soon. my neighbors dog is barking and there it literally NOTHING at all so idk...kind of sad when people don't train there animals properly. Looking forward to the next concert i go to soon,its been a WEEK for sure.
    re-tuned my Jackson Kelly guitar, was going to work on music tonight but am just way too tired from the week. cleaned the condo appointment's the past 2 days. have physical therapy for my right shoulder tomorrow before work then a closeting shift. trying to find time to visit a friend in the hospital when i can soon. my neighbors dog is barking and there it literally NOTHING at all so idk...kind of sad when people don't train there animals properly. Looking forward to the next concert i go to soon,its been a WEEK for sure.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • I agree with President Trump, MS-13 Criminals are ANIMALS.

    Makes ya wonder why the Mainstream Media are very supportive of the MS 13 Terrorist group?
    I agree with President Trump, MS-13 Criminals are ANIMALS. Makes ya wonder why the Mainstream Media are very supportive of the MS 13 Terrorist group?
    1 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • This makes me sick. Some people really don't deserve to have animals.
    This makes me sick. Some people really don't deserve to have animals.
    My Name is Nala

    Around 2019 I was adopted and taken to what I thought would have been my forever home. I was new to him and he was new to me. My owner worked two jobs to provide for us. coming from the shelter, being alone in my new home for hours on end made me feel as if I never left.

    During my time with my owner I had done little things here and there; went on walks, had a snow day, partied with many nice people and even a road trip... but it wasn't how I thought life would be. Sadly , I was attacked before by a smaller dog, that incident gave my owner and I quite a scare. so much so that I fed off of his energy whenever it was time to potty. I became a bit anxious, and sometimes I would get the shakes.

    As time went on we moved somewhere new, even though I was full of energy with a new place to explore I would still shake a little. Maybe it was just my nerves. I saw my owner bring so many cool new things into our home. Most times I wasn't allowed to investigate, I only wanted a quick sniff. With his constant harsh tone, I backed off.

    According to my owner, sometimes my shakes were so bad that I would seize in my sleep, but I don't recall going to a special person to figure out what was wrong. I was just pricked with a needle, they took some stuff out of me and gave me a special pill to try and make it stop... but I hated it.

    My owner claims that he doesn't have enough to get me special help, only the pills. he keeps bringing home new stuff so maybe there is enough for me?. Maybe, something could be done to find someone who could help me get what I need if things are so bad?. Maybe I can get a different home with a new person and lots a love. People were always my favorite

    My owner doesn't think that someone would want me or could help because he claims my anxiety and shakes are so bad. He feels his only option is to have me put to rest. I don't want to go to sleep yet, I don't want to cross that bridge too soon.

    Now that you know my story...

    My name was Nala and I'm being sent over the rainbow bridge because my owner doesn't want to find someone that can actually get me the help he claims I need.

    TL/DR: An acquaintance is putting his dog down due to issues he possibly caused and exacerbated. I wish this weren't true if possible Share her story everywhere you can. There were many other options but her owner didn't want to hear it.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • #animals #snake
    A new good friend found in my gardens.
    He smiles all the time.
    Happy times!
    #animals #snake A new good friend found in my gardens. He smiles all the time. Happy times!
    5 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • #animals
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • Merry Christmas ya filthy animals...

    ...and a Happy New Year!
    Merry Christmas ya filthy animals... ...and a Happy New Year!
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • A potential threat, but not as critical like the land shark invasion of the mid 70's...which resulted in a few deaths.

    A potential threat, but not as critical like the land shark invasion of the mid 70's...which resulted in a few deaths. https://www.11alive.com/article/life/animals/invasive-blue-land-crabs-in-georgia/85-b0399fed-e23e-496f-81e8-1ce0476719ea
    These new invasive blue land crabs found in Georgia can cause extensive damage. Here's why
    Here's why officials say the non-native species are a cause for concern.
    4 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • I think there will never not be a dead rat in my freezer...
    Last weekend I just buried the other two, that had died few months ago. Now Hela, passed as well :(
    Is it bad that I'm just hoping the last one of the pack will die soon too?
    She is all alone now. I hate keeping them alone because they are social animals but I cannot buy new ones because she is quite terretorial and even attack me if I come too close to her nest (Of course the feisty one lives longest. I tell ya spite is the secret to longevity). I think socializing her with strangers wil just be addtional stress for her she already has cancer and with cancer prone breeds, stress can make it worse. The vet said she'll probably not live too long either and as long as she eats and has no pain i sould make sure she has a good time here. Another reason I can't get her new companions is that I want to get males again and upgrade the cage to a bioactive setting before that before that.
    Anywas Goodby my sweet Hela you were a timid one but gentle and sweet you will be missed. Rest well. <3 T_T
    I think there will never not be a dead rat in my freezer... Last weekend I just buried the other two, that had died few months ago. Now Hela, passed as well :( Is it bad that I'm just hoping the last one of the pack will die soon too? She is all alone now. I hate keeping them alone because they are social animals but I cannot buy new ones because she is quite terretorial and even attack me if I come too close to her nest (Of course the feisty one lives longest. I tell ya spite is the secret to longevity). I think socializing her with strangers wil just be addtional stress for her she already has cancer and with cancer prone breeds, stress can make it worse. The vet said she'll probably not live too long either and as long as she eats and has no pain i sould make sure she has a good time here. Another reason I can't get her new companions is that I want to get males again and upgrade the cage to a bioactive setting before that before that. Anywas Goodby my sweet Hela you were a timid one but gentle and sweet you will be missed. Rest well. <3 T_T
    1 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • I might be annoying the neighbors lol. We have some strays and its been in triple digits so I put out ice for the strays and food and we have winterized outside pet houses etc lol. They fail to realize I prefer most animals to people lol xD
    I might be annoying the neighbors lol. We have some strays and its been in triple digits so I put out ice for the strays and food and we have winterized outside pet houses etc lol. They fail to realize I prefer most animals to people lol xD
    2 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
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