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Well, hello dear visitor!

Here you have come across a profile of a serious lateral thinker haha!
But well, first a little information about myself as such (which could make potential conversations easier ;) :

I am an IT professional with heart and soul in this area, both privately and job-related.
However, I make a hard distinction between my private and working life, but I am always interested in the latest innovations and changes in the educational world.
Standstill is dead

Furthermore, I am personally very interested in;

-Listening to music but especially the compilation of different music tracks on top of each other (I'm actually a hobby DJ but the project is currently paused)
-I enjoy visiting and discovering ruins and ancient cultural sites.
-You can also see me at most local music events (when I have time ;P)
-Read/write poems (very few people know this because I publish very little among contacts or similar)
-I like playing PC games, but mostly at higher levels of difficulty (I like the challenge :D)
-Drawing (but not painting)

Careful: Basically, I find myself a difficult conversation partner.
When I stop writing or something similar, it's never meant in a bad or negative way, but rather I've usually lost focus on something or am taking a break from social media.
I'm not a fan of ghosting, so when I have a problem with someone I usually address it directly and consistently.
  • 31 Yazı
  • 12 Fotoğraflar
  • Ardından: 17 people
Son Güncellemeler
  • After a few days, I've found the leisure to switch on my PC again and not linger on the sofa/bed right after work (all day)
    Even though I don't really feel like spending my time on the computer at the moment...

    It's a strange contrast to when I used to enjoy spending most of my free time on the PC.
    I don't know if it's because I'm getting older and my interests are fundamentally changing, or simply because I'm completely oversaturated with computers due to my work as an IT specialist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    After a few days, I've found the leisure to switch on my PC again and not linger on the sofa/bed right after work (all day) Even though I don't really feel like spending my time on the computer at the moment... It's a strange contrast to when I used to enjoy spending most of my free time on the PC. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older and my interests are fundamentally changing, or simply because I'm completely oversaturated with computers due to my work as an IT specialist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    2 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • I find all these gambling advertisements on this site really confusing.
    Most of them have strings of numbers in their banners or URLs and my weird brain is always trying to work out what each string of numbers stands for.
    For example: what the hell is meant by 789???
    "When creating the site, I just wanted to use the top row of my number block on the keyboard"? :D :D :D

    I find all these gambling advertisements on this site really confusing. Most of them have strings of numbers in their banners or URLs and my weird brain is always trying to work out what each string of numbers stands for. For example: what the hell is meant by 789??? "When creating the site, I just wanted to use the top row of my number block on the keyboard"? :D :D :D
    5 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • https://youtu.be/7I_cplOyfso?si=q9PGQuFSCN-hq5CY
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • https://youtu.be/xXc3khiOLjk?si=sjeO6fQ9wdl5Gayg
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • https://youtu.be/xlBikPOehEg?si=bt1Gafw9VdJk6z9d

    Once again I find myself alone, I feel there is no other way
    Can it be I’ve got a heart of stone? I feel my life is written like a play
    Help me say it loud, The visions in my mind won’t let me down
    Help me get my cure, There’s something else, I cannot be for sure

    Talk to me, come on - I feel your hate so clear, I feel it all around
    Talk to me, come on - I never thought I’d fear my own desires near

    I don’t wanna stare into thе darkness or settle for thе give and take
    Can it be we have another problem? I feel like everything is a mistake
    Help me say it loud, The visions in my mind won’t let me down
    Help me get my cure, There’s something else, I cannot be for sure

    Talk to me, come on - I feel your hate so clear, I feel it all around
    Talk to me, come on - I never thought I’d fear my own desires near
    Talk to me, come on - oh I cannot let you go, my black heart tells me so
    Talk to me, come on - oh I don’t want to be vain, a life without your name

    Just talk to me, just talk to me
    Talk to me, talk to me, just talk to me
    https://youtu.be/xlBikPOehEg?si=bt1Gafw9VdJk6z9d Once again I find myself alone, I feel there is no other way Can it be I’ve got a heart of stone? I feel my life is written like a play Help me say it loud, The visions in my mind won’t let me down Help me get my cure, There’s something else, I cannot be for sure Talk to me, come on - I feel your hate so clear, I feel it all around Talk to me, come on - I never thought I’d fear my own desires near I don’t wanna stare into thе darkness or settle for thе give and take Can it be we have another problem? I feel like everything is a mistake Help me say it loud, The visions in my mind won’t let me down Help me get my cure, There’s something else, I cannot be for sure Talk to me, come on - I feel your hate so clear, I feel it all around Talk to me, come on - I never thought I’d fear my own desires near Talk to me, come on - oh I cannot let you go, my black heart tells me so Talk to me, come on - oh I don’t want to be vain, a life without your name Just talk to me, just talk to me Talk to me, talk to me, just talk to me
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • haha, that moment when you're talking to your parents about the festivals planned for the upcoming year and your dad suddenly insists on going to one of the festivals now because Anne Clark is performing there :D
    haha, that moment when you're talking to your parents about the festivals planned for the upcoming year and your dad suddenly insists on going to one of the festivals now because Anne Clark is performing there :D
    1 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • So I'm finally "awake" again after visiting the M'era Luna and the long train journey home yesterday.
    M'era Luna was just great this year!
    The last time was years ago and this year was my first time ever camping at a festival.

    I was so lucky with my tent group which was organised by my sister; everyone fitted together perfectly and camping with them was so nice and felt really safe and comfortable.
    This also helped a lot when I got a severe migraine one day and was overwelmed, which was absolutely no problem with the group and I was able to create a safe space for myself despite the unfamiliar terrain.

    As a festival, I find M'era really interesting compared to other festivals I know. In fact, I find it really "difficult" to compare it to another festival, as it is somehow its own concept.
    For example, I found that at this festival the focus was less on the music and more on the scene itself due to the mass of side programmes such as workshops or the medieval market which was right in front of the entrance to the festival site.

    I'm already really looking forward to next year's festival!
    So I'm finally "awake" again after visiting the M'era Luna and the long train journey home yesterday. M'era Luna was just great this year! The last time was years ago and this year was my first time ever camping at a festival. I was so lucky with my tent group which was organised by my sister; everyone fitted together perfectly and camping with them was so nice and felt really safe and comfortable. This also helped a lot when I got a severe migraine one day and was overwelmed, which was absolutely no problem with the group and I was able to create a safe space for myself despite the unfamiliar terrain. As a festival, I find M'era really interesting compared to other festivals I know. In fact, I find it really "difficult" to compare it to another festival, as it is somehow its own concept. For example, I found that at this festival the focus was less on the music and more on the scene itself due to the mass of side programmes such as workshops or the medieval market which was right in front of the entrance to the festival site. I'm already really looking forward to next year's festival!
    4 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • Farewell M'era Luna
    Farewell M'era Luna
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • Finally finished packing my clothes for the upcoming M'era Luna Festival.
    Had to make a few 'deductions', but my other stuff probably wouldn't survive in my backpack without breaking.
    (Besides, the camping stuff already weighs a bit much and I'm using public transport...)

    I'm really excited; this is the first time in years that I've been able to visit this festival and I'm only going because I know and trust the camping group.
    Unfortunately, that's difficult for me because of my bad overnight experience in general.

    But fuck it; despite my persistent nervousness, I'm currently hoping that this jump over mine shadow will be successful and that I can enjoy a good festival at the end of my holiday.
    Finally finished packing my clothes for the upcoming M'era Luna Festival. Had to make a few 'deductions', but my other stuff probably wouldn't survive in my backpack without breaking. (Besides, the camping stuff already weighs a bit much and I'm using public transport...) I'm really excited; this is the first time in years that I've been able to visit this festival and I'm only going because I know and trust the camping group. Unfortunately, that's difficult for me because of my bad overnight experience in general. But fuck it; despite my persistent nervousness, I'm currently hoping that this jump over mine shadow will be successful and that I can enjoy a good festival at the end of my holiday.
    4 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
  • Well... I think the upcoming Amphi festival will be a funeral...
    A funeral for my ‘kutte’ which is my first modified t-shirt ever, with which I literally started my entry into the cyber-goth scene (hard to believe that this was already 16 years ago).
    But unfortunately I have noticed damage that is simply too ‘big’, the T-shirt will not survive the year.

    On the one hand, yes, it's just a T-shirt and it really wasn't expensive, but there's so much history in this piece, so many clubs and festivals that the T-shirt has seen...
    It's strange how much a T-shirt like that can drag you down...
    Well... I think the upcoming Amphi festival will be a funeral... A funeral for my ‘kutte’ which is my first modified t-shirt ever, with which I literally started my entry into the cyber-goth scene (hard to believe that this was already 16 years ago). But unfortunately I have noticed damage that is simply too ‘big’, the T-shirt will not survive the year. On the one hand, yes, it's just a T-shirt and it really wasn't expensive, but there's so much history in this piece, so many clubs and festivals that the T-shirt has seen... It's strange how much a T-shirt like that can drag you down...
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
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