I start my new job tomorrow morning at 10. Summer is nearly over and fall is coming toward us. Heres the pics of my New and improved hair using punky color dyes instead of ion. Just the mermaid blue I was going for. I always wanted to cosplay as a mermaid but unfortunately a decent amount of $ is needed for good cosplay attire. #Newhair #newemployment #mermaidhair #punkycolors #aqua #blueismyfavoritecolorcanyoutell #lookgoodfeelgood #lovemyhair #loveyourselfchallenge #onlyfanssorry #manicpanicnyc #dyesforpeace #stonerflow #stonergirlzdaily #hatebeinsoberimasmoker
I start my new job tomorrow morning at 10💥. Summer is nearly over and fall is coming toward us. Heres the pics of my New and improved hair using punky color dyes instead of ion. Just the mermaid blue I was going for🤘🔥. I always wanted to cosplay as a mermaid but unfortunately a decent amount of $ is needed for good cosplay attire. #Newhair #newemployment #mermaidhair #punkycolors #aqua #blueismyfavoritecolorcanyoutell #lookgoodfeelgood #lovemyhair #loveyourselfchallenge #🚫onlyfanssorry #manicpanicnyc #dyesforpeace #stonerflow #stonergirlzdaily #hatebeinsoberimasmoker