Agreed. Hard 2 celebrate something that's being destroyed every minute. Cancel our freedom, we cancel your celebrations!!! TRUTH HURTS DOES IT NOT?! Stand up for your rights in this forsaken country. In the words of judd crandel... Sometimes dead is better. Lets cancel all freedom. Your god damned government lies to you!!! Cancel it!!! #cancelthecelebration #notgonnabreedforyou #theresenoughidiotsoutthere #anarchyontherise #fuckyourgovernment
Agreed. Hard 2 celebrate something that's being destroyed every minute. Cancel our freedom, we cancel your celebrations!!! TRUTH HURTS DOES IT NOT?! Stand up for your rights in this forsaken country. In the words of judd crandel... Sometimes dead is better. Lets cancel all freedom. Your god damned government lies to you!!! Cancel it!!! #cancelthecelebration #notgonnabreedforyou #theresenoughidiotsoutthere #anarchyontherise #fuckyourgovernment