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  • #Halloween #music #oldies #vintage #jazz #swing
    I don't care if it is still August...
    #Halloween #music #oldies #vintage #jazz #swing I don't care if it is still August... https://youtu.be/ue3W7_9MM1E
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  • Summertime in full swing. Let's do it!

    Summertime in full swing. Let's do it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF9oHYPsNiI
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  • The calendar says May but the weather says summer is in full swing. 135 AM and one hell of a thunderstorm is raging outside. Noisy fucker to boot.


    The calendar says May but the weather says summer is in full swing. 135 AM and one hell of a thunderstorm is raging outside. Noisy fucker to boot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivdBhNRVGwU
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  • SO YOU BITCHES think you're tough because you jumped me? Waited for me to be alone..... on my dang porch???? I still handled all of you, left 5 of you on the ground laid out!! You're lucky I don't have any marks on my face. I have some on my arms and neck, so what!!!! I bet you didn't expect me to swing back since it was six against one. I might be old but I'm not too old for this!!! Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, I was getting tired of fighting and just wanted to go back in the house but I kept on swinging and made sure you got yours.. PUNKS!!!!! All I have to say is, you started this and I finished it..... I hate bullies!! Mosquitos are not my friends!!!
    SO YOU BITCHES think you're tough because you jumped me? Waited for me to be alone..... on my dang porch???? 😡 I still handled all of you, left 5 of you on the ground laid out!! You're lucky I don't have any marks on my face. I have some on my arms and neck, so what!!!! I bet you didn't expect me to swing back since it was six against one. I might be old but I'm not too old for this!!! Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, I was getting tired of fighting and just wanted to go back in the house but I kept on swinging and made sure you got yours.. PUNKS!!!!! All I have to say is, you started this and I finished it..... I hate bullies!! Mosquitos are not my friends!!! 😂😂😂💪💪💀💀💀🦟
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  • #music #swing
    #music #swing https://youtu.be/r7GJWVrTiFs
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  • Waiting
    (Ill meet you at the swings)
    Waiting (Ill meet you at the swings) https://www.facebook.com/reel/943550143535465/?mibextid=lOuIew
    Sitting in the park. #oldies #oldiesporvida #EastSideStory #oldschool ##70s. G.Q. · Sitting In the Park
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  • DeSantis is out, and has endorsed Trump, while taking a swing at Hillar...I mean, Haley.

    The #FITN (First In The Nation) primary is happening here in New Hampshire this coming Tuesday. I look forward to Nikki Haley dropping out after she gets trounced here. And she will get trounced, despite the countless millions being spent by, or in support of, her. Many folks here are receiving dozens of mail pieces per day, countless phone calls and texts, etc., all in support of that Neocon nincompoop.

    DeSantis is out, and has endorsed Trump, while taking a swing at Hillar...I mean, Haley. The #FITN (First In The Nation) primary is happening here in New Hampshire this coming Tuesday. I look forward to Nikki Haley dropping out after she gets trounced here. And she will get trounced, despite the countless millions being spent by, or in support of, her. Many folks here are receiving dozens of mail pieces per day, countless phone calls and texts, etc., all in support of that Neocon nincompoop. #NeverNikki
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  • Saatana.

    Not in a good mood at all.
    I hate my mood swings...

    Saatana. Not in a good mood at all. I hate my mood swings... 🙃
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  • If you have earbuds in at the gym just listen to your music....don't fucking sing it horribly and make me want to swing a 100 ilbs dumbbell in your face
    If you have earbuds in at the gym just listen to your music....don't fucking sing it horribly and make me want to swing a 100 ilbs dumbbell in your face
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  • Here is a follow up for my post from yesterday how work fucking sucks.
    Thank you CyberLithiumAngel LiveFreeOrDie [wurdalak] for your likes and thank you [Whittier] for commenting. *hugs back* It meant a lot, thank you.
    For whatever reason, one can't like or comment anonymously so that's why I didn't do that. I am not trying to reveal myself.
    I was sent home early yesterday at work due to being sick and i talked to my manager that I wasn't going into work the next day. Well... I got a call today saying that there was no call-out, and that no one showed up for my shift.
    I have a feeling that i might be written up or fired.
    I know that seems overdramatic, but I, unfortunately, have called out many times this month and last month due to illness, insomnia and horrible mood swings because of my bipolar. I am already applying to different jobs, but man, I have been switching jobs more frequently as of recently and it's becoming a little disheartening at this point. I want something stable for now so I can stabilize myself.
    Here is a follow up for my post from yesterday how work fucking sucks. Thank you [CyberLithiumAngel] [LiveFreeOrDie] [wurdalak] for your likes and thank you [Whittier] for commenting. *hugs back* It meant a lot, thank you. For whatever reason, one can't like or comment anonymously so that's why I didn't do that. I am not trying to reveal myself. I was sent home early yesterday at work due to being sick and i talked to my manager that I wasn't going into work the next day. Well... I got a call today saying that there was no call-out, and that no one showed up for my shift. I have a feeling that i might be written up or fired. I know that seems overdramatic, but I, unfortunately, have called out many times this month and last month due to illness, insomnia and horrible mood swings because of my bipolar. I am already applying to different jobs, but man, I have been switching jobs more frequently as of recently and it's becoming a little disheartening at this point. I want something stable for now so I can stabilize myself.
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