"Trump says he’s considering ways to serve a third term as president"
No, Just No.
A great Leader, A great President, A great inspirational Leader, Love him but No.
No one over the age of 80 should be anywhere near a Public office, that includes Congress. President Trump, I hope he's just screwing with the Fake News and trolling them. President Trump should instead be seeking ways to get age limits on Congressional and all Government workers, to force them to leave office at 70-75.
The best thing President Trump could do, is when he's forced into retirement at the end of his term, to take the Pelosi's and Schumers and Grahams and everyone over the age of 70-75 with him into forced retirement through Congressional term limits and age limits.
"Trump says he’s considering ways to serve a third term as president"
No, Just No.
A great Leader, A great President, A great inspirational Leader, Love him but No.
No one over the age of 80 should be anywhere near a Public office, that includes Congress. President Trump, I hope he's just screwing with the Fake News and trolling them. President Trump should instead be seeking ways to get age limits on Congressional and all Government workers, to force them to leave office at 70-75.
The best thing President Trump could do, is when he's forced into retirement at the end of his term, to take the Pelosi's and Schumers and Grahams and everyone over the age of 70-75 with him into forced retirement through Congressional term limits and age limits.