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  • Ahhh. My depression & anxiety is back to a 10. Three days ago we where told we have to move because our landlord is selling our home. Again. We were not finically prepared and have only 1 option. Noah n I r moving into a trailer at my fathers, I can’t bring my animals because they will b confined n neglected. My dog I’ve had 8years barks if left alone, n we both work full time. Etc. PJ is looking for a place to live, my nephew has to move back to Arizona, he’s been with me since my brother passed away n our friend/roommate was crying in our driveway when we pulled in last night from taking a load of my stuff to storage.
    This has made me physically ill. I’m soooooooo unhappy with moving into this situation however no one has the $ to pay first,last night security deposit @ a new place this fast other then our roommate n I, n I go out of the country for a month sept 3.
    I’m very worried about the stress this is gonna put in my relationship with pj & I’m still trying to finish my paintings for my solo show in a week in Orlando.
    I’m gonna make the best out of it, but it’s very hard to see anything positive about it. Living on my father’s property is immensely repressive and his personally is unusually difficult. he kicked us out 3 months ago because of small annoyances. He gave us 2 days to move. I swore I would never return & I stopped shooting daily life videos then because I’ve been so depressed. I just got on medication for my depression a week ago. Ahhh, the eggshells to walk on with my father or it will happen again.
    I have had no stability since 2018. Moving constantly, Landloards selling my home repeatedly without enough time to properly prepare for next chapter. I’m soooo glad I was never able to have kids, just seeing the stress this has put on my relationships & animals is horrible. I can’t imagine dragging a child through the shit that has been my life.
    I don’t share this to often, it’s to private and ugly, but this has been the second worse chapter of my life.
    With all the death, displacement & deletion of the platforms I have worked so hard on, it’s been very hard to want to move forward. My x that left me in 2018, when this all started. Loosing my st pete home I was in 8 years n my resort, often joked that “my life was in shambles”. Loosing him was devastating during that change. I’m grateful for PJ & Noah for sticking around. PJ 15 years, Noah 3 years. I’ve moved 7 times since I’ve been with Noah the last 3 years. This will be the 8th. PJ was crying in his sleep last night. His girlfriend of 4 years just ended it with him a month ago & he’s been taking it very hard.
    (Pj, Noah & I are polyamorous) I’m lucky in that field.
    There is sooooooo much more but that’s is only the stuff that I can say publicly.
    I have cryed soooo much in the last couple days my mussels hurt & im dehydrated. I wish I had 3 months to prepare. It’s 3-4am n I can’t sleep and I have work at 5am. I just want my life to stop sucking. I’m sick of pretending everything is ok. I just want to be ok. Even if only for 6 months without loosing someone or something huge.
    At least I no longer have to sleep in the bed, in the bedroom of my x Drew who died a year ago while he had been living with us off n on for 10 years. I still dream of him, not living in our space will help me move on from that trama. There is a silver ligning.

    Ahhh. 😩 My depression & anxiety is back to a 10. Three days ago we where told we have to move because our landlord is selling our home. Again. We were not finically prepared and have only 1 option. Noah n I r moving into a trailer at my fathers, I can’t bring my animals because they will b confined n neglected. My dog I’ve had 8years barks if left alone, n we both work full time. Etc. PJ is looking for a place to live, my nephew has to move back to Arizona, he’s been with me since my brother passed away n our friend/roommate was crying in our driveway when we pulled in last night from taking a load of my stuff to storage. This has made me physically ill. I’m soooooooo unhappy with moving into this situation however no one has the $ to pay first,last night security deposit @ a new place this fast other then our roommate n I, n I go out of the country for a month sept 3. I’m very worried about the stress this is gonna put in my relationship with pj & I’m still trying to finish my paintings for my solo show in a week in Orlando. I’m gonna make the best out of it, but it’s very hard to see anything positive about it. Living on my father’s property is immensely repressive and his personally is unusually difficult. he kicked us out 3 months ago because of small annoyances. He gave us 2 days to move. I swore I would never return & I stopped shooting daily life videos then because I’ve been so depressed. I just got on medication for my depression a week ago. Ahhh, the eggshells to walk on with my father or it will happen again. I have had no stability since 2018. Moving constantly, Landloards selling my home repeatedly without enough time to properly prepare for next chapter. I’m soooo glad I was never able to have kids, just seeing the stress this has put on my relationships & animals is horrible. I can’t imagine dragging a child through the shit that has been my life. I don’t share this to often, it’s to private and ugly, but this has been the second worse chapter of my life. With all the death, displacement & deletion of the platforms I have worked so hard on, it’s been very hard to want to move forward. My x that left me in 2018, when this all started. Loosing my st pete home I was in 8 years n my resort, often joked that “my life was in shambles”. Loosing him was devastating during that change. I’m grateful for PJ & Noah for sticking around. PJ 15 years, Noah 3 years. I’ve moved 7 times since I’ve been with Noah the last 3 years. This will be the 8th. PJ was crying in his sleep last night. His girlfriend of 4 years just ended it with him a month ago & he’s been taking it very hard. (Pj, Noah & I are polyamorous) I’m lucky in that field. There is sooooooo much more but that’s is only the stuff that I can say publicly. I have cryed soooo much in the last couple days my mussels hurt & im dehydrated. I wish I had 3 months to prepare. It’s 3-4am n I can’t sleep and I have work at 5am. I just want my life to stop sucking. I’m sick of pretending everything is ok. I just want to be ok. Even if only for 6 months without loosing someone or something huge. At least I no longer have to sleep in the bed, in the bedroom of my x Drew who died a year ago while he had been living with us off n on for 10 years. I still dream of him, not living in our space will help me move on from that trama. There is a silver ligning. 😩 Instagram.com/XZanthia_OctoShroom
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  • https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/relationships/dating/embarrassing-gen-z-dating-problem-millennials-dont-have/news-story/78c3b0bcdff7c80ce4d90fb7e227b6c2
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  • I'm going to put this out there and you are gonna think I am weird as hell for it but that is okay. Mother's Day can be hard for a lot of people. It can be hard for those who can not have kids but want kids. It can be hard for people who have lost kids and carry them now just in their hearts and memories. It can also be hard for those who have lost Mother's or have strained relationships with toxic Mother's.

    No matter your situation you are seen and recognized and if you have lost a child you are still a mom, if you can not have a child but love friends kids with a mother's heart you are still a mom and if you are in a toxic relationship with a mom that is their loss because you are worthy of love and I hope you treat yourselves this weekend and remember you have value and worth. Keep your heads up! <3
    I'm going to put this out there and you are gonna think I am weird as hell for it but that is okay. Mother's Day can be hard for a lot of people. It can be hard for those who can not have kids but want kids. It can be hard for people who have lost kids and carry them now just in their hearts and memories. It can also be hard for those who have lost Mother's or have strained relationships with toxic Mother's. No matter your situation you are seen and recognized and if you have lost a child you are still a mom, if you can not have a child but love friends kids with a mother's heart you are still a mom and if you are in a toxic relationship with a mom that is their loss because you are worthy of love and I hope you treat yourselves this weekend and remember you have value and worth. Keep your heads up! <3
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  • Some ppl think that maybe when a female prefers to be single that she is making herself eligible to numerous males.
    Relationships ruin alot of wonderful friendships that started everything to begin with :(

    Its horrible loosing ppl that you get along with well.
    Some ppl think that maybe when a female prefers to be single that she is making herself eligible to numerous males. Relationships ruin alot of wonderful friendships that started everything to begin with :( Its horrible loosing ppl that you get along with well.
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  • again.... relationships are hard.... if ... you dont breath in and out 10 times before saying what rushes to your head at that minute
    again.... relationships are hard.... if ... you dont breath in and out 10 times before saying what rushes to your head at that minute
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  • I looking for a relationships
    I looking for a relationships
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  • The Role of Counseling in Relationships

    In life, our relationships can sometimes get tricky and uncertain. These tough times can make us feel upset and far from our partners. But there's help available in the form of relationship counseling. These counseling are guiding lights that can show couples the way through the rough patches in their emotional journeys. These professional services are designed to assist individuals and couples in understanding and resolving these challenges.

    Read more: https://renewhopeandhealing.blogspot.com/2023/12/the-role-of-counseling-in-relationships.html
    The Role of Counseling in Relationships In life, our relationships can sometimes get tricky and uncertain. These tough times can make us feel upset and far from our partners. But there's help available in the form of relationship counseling. These counseling are guiding lights that can show couples the way through the rough patches in their emotional journeys. These professional services are designed to assist individuals and couples in understanding and resolving these challenges. Read more: https://renewhopeandhealing.blogspot.com/2023/12/the-role-of-counseling-in-relationships.html
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  • The Role of Communication Between Homebuyers and Real Estate Agents

    When buying a house, one of the most important relationships you will form is with your real estate agent. This relationship is built on trust, understanding, and, most importantly, effective communication. Whether you're looking around the charming neighborhoods of real estate, seeking the expertise of the best real estate agent, or exploring open houses, good communication can make the process smoother and more enjoyable.

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    The Role of Communication Between Homebuyers and Real Estate Agents When buying a house, one of the most important relationships you will form is with your real estate agent. This relationship is built on trust, understanding, and, most importantly, effective communication. Whether you're looking around the charming neighborhoods of real estate, seeking the expertise of the best real estate agent, or exploring open houses, good communication can make the process smoother and more enjoyable. Read More :
    South Shore Sotheby's International Realty
    The Role of Communication Between Homebuyers and Real Estate Agents When buying a house, one of the most important relationships you will form is with your real estate agent. This relationship is built on trust, understanding, and, most importantly, effective communication. Whether you're looking
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  • In the contemporary landscape of relationships, dating apps have become the digital Cupid for many seeking love and companionship. India, with its dynamic cultural tapestry, has witnessed a significant shift in how individuals meet and connect. India, a country steeped in tradition, has seen a remarkable blend of cultural values with the modern approach to relationships. While arranged marriages still hold prominence, especially in more conservative circles, the younger generation is increasingly turning to dating apps to explore relationships on their terms. Visit: https://shorturl.at/abefU
    In the contemporary landscape of relationships, dating apps have become the digital Cupid for many seeking love and companionship. India, with its dynamic cultural tapestry, has witnessed a significant shift in how individuals meet and connect. India, a country steeped in tradition, has seen a remarkable blend of cultural values with the modern approach to relationships. While arranged marriages still hold prominence, especially in more conservative circles, the younger generation is increasingly turning to dating apps to explore relationships on their terms. Visit: https://shorturl.at/abefU
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    Direct healthcare is a patient-centered approach to medical services that prioritizes accessibility and personalized care. At Scottsdale Family Health, this innovative healthcare model is at the heart of their practice. They offer a unique healthcare experience where patients can directly engage with their healthcare providers, fostering strong doctor-patient relationships.

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    Scottsdale Family Health Direct healthcare is a patient-centered approach to medical services that prioritizes accessibility and personalized care. At Scottsdale Family Health, this innovative healthcare model is at the heart of their practice. They offer a unique healthcare experience where patients can directly engage with their healthcare providers, fostering strong doctor-patient relationships. Read more:
    Direct Healthcare - Scottsdale Direct Primary Care Doctor, Family Health & Medicine
    At Direct Healthcare, we provide primary care, family health & medicine service in Scottsdale, AZ. Find a personal physician for you. Book today!
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