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  • I have set my profile to "Open to Work" on LinkedIn now and am again actively looking for work. Looks like this shit at the company I currently work for won't go through and I can forget about any salary increases/promotions, I will probably only have more work added to me instead because I'm good at it.

    Fuck. This. Shit. Happy Monday and whatnot.
    I have set my profile to "Open to Work" on LinkedIn now and am again actively looking for work. Looks like this shit at the company I currently work for won't go through and I can forget about any salary increases/promotions, I will probably only have more work added to me instead because I'm good at it. Fuck. This. Shit. Happy Monday and whatnot.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 179 Views
  • Reality has set in. 5 years ago, this site was abundant with selfies, political threads, promotional posts, thought provoking anecdotes, and bad goth poetry. Now...if you post a selfie because your far-right propaganda has flopped? 3 more likes are your reward? Yea, I've questioned the reactions too! /End Rant

    Reality has set in. 5 years ago, this site was abundant with selfies, political threads, promotional posts, thought provoking anecdotes, and bad goth poetry. Now...if you post a selfie because your far-right propaganda has flopped? 3 more likes are your reward? Yea, I've questioned the reactions too! /End Rant
    7 Comments 0 Shares 283 Views
  • This is literally how I feel like after I just found out that our "performance based culture" isn't that much a performance based culture and I will get nothing for literally building this place up on my own...I guess I'm being skipped on the next promotion too then.

    Merry Christmas and whatnot. :D
    This is literally how I feel like after I just found out that our "performance based culture" isn't that much a performance based culture and I will get nothing for literally building this place up on my own...I guess I'm being skipped on the next promotion too then. Merry Christmas and whatnot. :D
    4 Comments 0 Shares 342 Views
  • Aaand another worry to keep my anxiety busy...
    Not sure if I still have a future in the company im currently employed at. On one hand the leadership team is dropping hints that I will get a more important role next year. Is it a Promotion or at least a raise incoming? and on the other hand there are rumors that the company will be sold and is starting to collapse on it's own...
    I don't know what to believe anymore I wish the LT were more transparent on the future of the company. Feels like they just tell me lies so I don't leave now...not to Brag but my Departement is fucked if i didn't pull so much weight. They are lucky I rarely get the flu
    Aaand another worry to keep my anxiety busy... Not sure if I still have a future in the company im currently employed at. On one hand the leadership team is dropping hints that I will get a more important role next year. Is it a Promotion or at least a raise incoming? and on the other hand there are rumors that the company will be sold and is starting to collapse on it's own... I don't know what to believe anymore I wish the LT were more transparent on the future of the company. Feels like they just tell me lies so I don't leave now...not to Brag but my Departement is fucked if i didn't pull so much weight. They are lucky I rarely get the flu
    4 Comments 0 Shares 597 Views
  • Going to stock up on these over the next month since i have no idea when the promotion ends.
    Going to stock up on these over the next month since i have no idea when the promotion ends.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 393 Views
  • Casual Friday finally arrived so I showed up covered in cum and chinese food. It went over swimmingly and I was promoted immediately.
    Casual Friday finally arrived so I showed up covered in cum and chinese food. It went over swimmingly and I was promoted immediately.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 683 Views
  • https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/326127870135?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110018%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.COMPLISTINGS%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20231016072133%26meid%3Da32621beb29d4c0b9623e2a3ae8ee279%26pid%3D101879%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D25%26sd%3D276445815424%26itm%3D326127870135%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D4406038%26algv%3DPromotedCompSiblingCatByGrandParentOnly%26brand%3DCRAFT%26fpg%3D0&_trksid=p4406038.c101879.m1851&itmprp=cksum%3A326127870135a32621beb29d4c0b9623e2a3ae8ee279%7Cenc%3AAQAJAAABALHeFrvCkKR%252FKfsDpQOeeXmXy%252BDlHNWuSJxml%252FvC3H%252BCPnLeLgkcbgFa9G7SSpfd64wMN5yM0lMhhLG%252Bm5rlMDBkBMe2MGa%252BWOpYzL3ktz5Ww6GoKbXSeZIeCNSUnOW4jO0SqrtESNmtvN8j%252BkvkJBzJXs6dPKY336xT2L0ZaOFPB23ZLFjcfllH1krl%252FckAX9dZ4xZERE43HXs58EbpjwdLveIg7b7omHbf1YE%252BvQWEIYluGaNXherxFOmegVxMaNb2ef3795m%252B84QmWupkRcALY%252FZXvjjHSu12uzH%252ByCs%252F2puIw5gZrri2CfHl5Gu%252FAlM5%252FMbzcvFQenv97vVeDSE%253D%7Campid%3APL_CLK%7Cclp%3A4406038&itmmeta=01J4BRG5RKJE7AW09WYCME204C
    Viking Norse Mythology God Freya Throne Antique Style A4 Wall Art Print Ref 687 | eBay
    Faded Antique effect style A4 smooth finish 160gsm Matte Paper. Direct prolonged exposure to sunlight or humid conditions. Add 3 or more Paper prints to basket to trigger buy 3 get 25% off promotion.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 519 Views
  • Don't you just love the feeling of an upcoming summer storm? That slight unsettling mixture of of awe and fear. As the sky darkens and the wind picks up. Dark tall clouds building fortresses in the sky. And we stand safe and sound behind the window. sheltered by brick and glass and yet we get thils slight tingle, a nervousness deep in our throat, a creeping uneasiness. A fear that is unnecessary as we are sheltered in our houses and yet it still haunting us like a promordial instnct telling us to run and hide for this might be a calamity....
    I love this thrill! It's powerful inspiring!
    Don't you just love the feeling of an upcoming summer storm? That slight unsettling mixture of of awe and fear. As the sky darkens and the wind picks up. Dark tall clouds building fortresses in the sky. And we stand safe and sound behind the window. sheltered by brick and glass and yet we get thils slight tingle, a nervousness deep in our throat, a creeping uneasiness. A fear that is unnecessary as we are sheltered in our houses and yet it still haunting us like a promordial instnct telling us to run and hide for this might be a calamity.... I love this thrill! It's powerful inspiring!
    1 Comments 0 Shares 833 Views
  • Is it bad that I noticed my co-worker has a book on his desk titled "No More Mr. Nice Guy" that promotes the most incel shit I've ever heard and I constantly say "No more Mr. Nice Guy!" when he's around now?
    Is it bad that I noticed my co-worker has a book on his desk titled "No More Mr. Nice Guy" that promotes the most incel shit I've ever heard and I constantly say "No more Mr. Nice Guy!" when he's around now?
    3 Comments 0 Shares 383 Views
  • Before you go oh my gosh shes promoting drug use I am not. I am promoting that those who have addictions do it safely because they are someones child, son, husband, father,wife, daughter, etc. We are NOT judge and jury and NO ONE is perfect.

    Harm reduction aims to connect people who use drugs to resources and community to thrive. Whether you use drugs, or love someone who does, this page is an access point to resources that support safer drug use.

    Need Sterile Syringes?
    Find a local syringe access program using the map on the NASEN website. This is to help prevent the spread of disease.

    Naloxone via the Mail
    If you are a person who uses drugs and you do not have a resource in your community, you may be able to access mail-based naloxone on Next Distro. This is to help prevent overdose.

    Access to both websites can be found on this link: https://harmreduction.org/resource-center/harm-reduction-near-you/

    Before you go oh my gosh shes promoting drug use I am not. I am promoting that those who have addictions do it safely because they are someones child, son, husband, father,wife, daughter, etc. We are NOT judge and jury and NO ONE is perfect. FIND HARM REDUCTION RESOURCES NEAR YOU Harm reduction aims to connect people who use drugs to resources and community to thrive. Whether you use drugs, or love someone who does, this page is an access point to resources that support safer drug use. Need Sterile Syringes? Find a local syringe access program using the map on the NASEN website. This is to help prevent the spread of disease. Naloxone via the Mail If you are a person who uses drugs and you do not have a resource in your community, you may be able to access mail-based naloxone on Next Distro. This is to help prevent overdose. Access to both websites can be found on this link: https://harmreduction.org/resource-center/harm-reduction-near-you/
    Harm Reduction Resources Near You | National Harm Reduction Coalition
    Whether you use drugs, or love someone who does, this page is an access point to resources that support safer drug use. Find harm reduction resources near you.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 627 Views
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