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  • The last 3 h of work before vacation are the WORST... there is so much still to organise and Project handovers to prepare but the motivation is SO low.. especially if you have so many overtime hours left that you wouldn't be needing to work the entire day at all...
    The last 3 h of work before vacation are the WORST... there is so much still to organise and Project handovers to prepare but the motivation is SO low.. especially if you have so many overtime hours left that you wouldn't be needing to work the entire day at all...
    2 Comments 0 Shares 491 Views
  • #motivation
    1 Comments 0 Shares 198 Views
  • Today is one of them days where I have Zero Motivation to work but 100% Motivation to pursue my hobbies. Unfortunately i gotta earn money to spend in the materials first... i can’t wait to get home and do fun stuff.
    Today is one of them days where I have Zero Motivation to work but 100% Motivation to pursue my hobbies. Unfortunately i gotta earn money to spend in the materials first... i can’t wait to get home and do fun stuff.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 764 Views
  • For a few months now, I’ve been trying to go to the gym three times a week, if possible, even though I often have to find the motivation, especially after work. :D

    Little by little, I’m starting to see progress in my body, especially when I look in the mirror in the morning and notice my improving natural posture and skin.

    It’s an extreme contrast to look back at my past when I was constantly (and at times, very) overweight since childhood.
    For a few months now, I’ve been trying to go to the gym three times a week, if possible, even though I often have to find the motivation, especially after work. :D Little by little, I’m starting to see progress in my body, especially when I look in the mirror in the morning and notice my improving natural posture and skin. It’s an extreme contrast to look back at my past when I was constantly (and at times, very) overweight since childhood.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 988 Views
  • Gotta love it when depression kills your any motivation for things you usually enjoy doing. :D :D :D
    Gotta love it when depression kills your any motivation for things you usually enjoy doing. :D :D :D
    2 Comments 0 Shares 453 Views
  • I have been oddly productive lately...
    I've cleaned my apartment every weekend, worked on a crafting project every evening and that on top of having an incredibly stressful time at my job working 9-10 hours a day...I did like 30 overtime hours last month...
    what is this motivation and where does it come from? I'm actually starting to be concerned...
    I have been oddly productive lately... I've cleaned my apartment every weekend, worked on a crafting project every evening and that on top of having an incredibly stressful time at my job working 9-10 hours a day...I did like 30 overtime hours last month... what is this motivation and where does it come from? I'm actually starting to be concerned...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 989 Views
  • First time i really looked in my phone for days.
    I went completely silent for days. I couldn't find the motivation to respond to my friends anymore. I still lack the motivation to do most things. I don't even get out of bed if I don't have to. Just sleep and silence. Looking at my phone & respond to all these people is just too much. Makes me feel worse anyways so I didn't wanna deal with them.
    Maye this is an effeort to try and speak. Ramble on a site no one uses anyways. Like talking to the void.
    It kinda helps. Its easier than talking to someone.
    The void is a good listener.

    First time i really looked in my phone for days. I went completely silent for days. I couldn't find the motivation to respond to my friends anymore. I still lack the motivation to do most things. I don't even get out of bed if I don't have to. Just sleep and silence. Looking at my phone & respond to all these people is just too much. Makes me feel worse anyways so I didn't wanna deal with them. Maye this is an effeort to try and speak. Ramble on a site no one uses anyways. Like talking to the void. It kinda helps. Its easier than talking to someone. The void is a good listener. https://youtu.be/UDtiFLqHzoQ
    4 Comments 0 Shares 378 Views
  • I'm in a bad place again. Slept 19hrs and only ate a bowl of cereal. Bc I didn't have the motivation to get up and function.
    I'm in a bad place again. Slept 19hrs and only ate a bowl of cereal. Bc I didn't have the motivation to get up and function. https://youtu.be/7ctcvLsVq-A?si=-W6Hm0Qv4aRPGpVy
    1 Comments 0 Shares 503 Views
  • When you're having one of those work days where there's no motivation to do anything interesting, and no mental energy for anything even remotely challenging, yet you have a massive pile of projects that all need to get done - pick one of the most boring, tedious ones, just to get something done, and then hopefully feel reasonably accomplished at the end of the day.

    When you're having one of those work days where there's no motivation to do anything interesting, and no mental energy for anything even remotely challenging, yet you have a massive pile of projects that all need to get done - pick one of the most boring, tedious ones, just to get something done, and then hopefully feel reasonably accomplished at the end of the day. #LifeOfAnOverworkedEngineer
    4 Comments 0 Shares 491 Views
  • I was told by some incel that I should keep straightening my hair because it looks "more traditionally feminine" and men like it more than my curls. Well, buddy, that was all the motivation I needed to go get a curly cut and start on my curl restoration journey. Fuck you very much.
    I was told by some incel that I should keep straightening my hair because it looks "more traditionally feminine" and men like it more than my curls. Well, buddy, that was all the motivation I needed to go get a curly cut and start on my curl restoration journey. Fuck you very much. 😘
    4 Comments 0 Shares 458 Views
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