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  • Since im Noble & Royal i shall have a Magic French LADY


    Since im Noble & Royal i shall have a Magic French LADY HAHAHA! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQmEd_UeeIk
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  • Real Question: What percentage of American White males 18-35 would you say are so submissive, weak, soft, feminine that they might as well buy multiple Fedoras, sign up for a membership at LonelyMales.com and think that sex with a pre-op tranny isn't really gay since the dude with the beard and pastel dress "Thinks" he's a "Beautiful Lady?"
    Real Question: What percentage of American White males 18-35 would you say are so submissive, weak, soft, feminine that they might as well buy multiple Fedoras, sign up for a membership at LonelyMales.com and think that sex with a pre-op tranny isn't really gay since the dude with the beard and pastel dress "Thinks" he's a "Beautiful Lady?"
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  • So I told my coworker today I want my future gf or hookup to dress as lady Deadpool and cut a whole in the crotch so I can fuck her with the full bodysuit on...he replies....dude you're fucked up....I replied it'd be fucked up not to. After that he started asking about other comic book characters so I think he was just scared to admit it was hot.
    So I told my coworker today I want my future gf or hookup to dress as lady Deadpool and cut a whole in the crotch so I can fuck her with the full bodysuit on...he replies....dude you're fucked up....I replied it'd be fucked up not to. After that he started asking about other comic book characters so I think he was just scared to admit it was hot.
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  • You just gotta love Lady Gaga " Half Psychotic sick Hypnotic. all the While Humpin an inflatable Dolphin
    You just gotta love Lady Gaga " Half Psychotic sick Hypnotic. all the While Humpin an inflatable DolphinπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ€ͺ
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  • Day off last Friday, Then came Saturday, Sunday, Monday was day off again...worked yesterday (Tuesday), worked today...day off tomorrow (Thursday), day off on Friday too...then comes Saturday and Sunday.

    I love June.

    Hence...my weekend just started.
    Too early to start drinking. But too late to stop. Alcohol and football, Copa America and EuroCup. What else could a lady of culture ask for?

    Day off last Friday, Then came Saturday, Sunday, Monday was day off again...worked yesterday (Tuesday), worked today...day off tomorrow (Thursday), day off on Friday too...then comes Saturday and Sunday. I love June. Hence...my weekend just started. Too early to start drinking. But too late to stop. Alcohol and football, Copa America and EuroCup. What else could a lady of culture ask for? πŸ˜… Cheers!.
    18 Comments 0 Shares
  • My antisocial levels are skyrocketing. My mother spent a week at my appartment (for a treatment she´s doing nearby) and in that week she ended up knowing more people than me in 4 years. Their names, relatives, jobs, pets, etc. She even told me the entire life story of the woman living at the end of the corridor of my floor. And I didn´t even know there was a lady living there.
    My antisocial levels are skyrocketing. My mother spent a week at my appartment (for a treatment she´s doing nearby) and in that week she ended up knowing more people than me in 4 years. Their names, relatives, jobs, pets, etc. She even told me the entire life story of the woman living at the end of the corridor of my floor. And I didn´t even know there was a lady living there.
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  • Ladytron - Destroy Everything You Touch
    Ladytron - Destroy Everything You Touch
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  • HAHAHA LAdy Gaga POPS ANother one .. OOOH Noes
    HAHAHA LAdy Gaga POPS ANother one .. OOOH Noes 😰😰😰😰😱
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  • #cityscape #cyberpunk #lady #legs
    #cityscape #cyberpunk #lady #legs
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  • #japan #lady #beauty #samurai
    #japan #lady #beauty #samurai
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