Guess who's going to @gwar on the 27th of March with us for my birthday celebration next month!! I'm so fucking psyched. We met willow witchery at the lager house in Detroit in November for the @thecultofspaceskull and @killingpixiesband featuring @flagmanband and @meltedbodies concert! We actually commented on each other's hair before officially meeting each other. I'm so excited that my cousin invited them to go with us It's going to be awesome. Welcome to the group willow! I know I haven't been around lately but there will be plenty of time to chill together. Also my cousin rex.solaris is actually standing behind us. #excited #awesomepeople #gwar #concertvibes #newfriends #tryintogetbacktonormal
Guess who's going to @gwar on the 27th of March with us for my birthday celebration next month!! I'm so fucking psyched. We met willow witchery at the lager house in Detroit in November for the @thecultofspaceskull and @killingpixiesband featuring @flagmanband and @meltedbodies concert! We actually commented on each other's hair before officially meeting each other. I'm so excited that my cousin invited them to go with us It's going to be awesome. Welcome to the group willow! I know I haven't been around lately but there will be plenty of time to chill together. Also my cousin rex.solaris is actually standing behind us. #excited #awesomepeople #gwar #concertvibes #newfriends #tryintogetbacktonormal