Tiny Tim was honestly such a beautiful soul no matter which age he was he shined like the brightest of stars. I acquired quite a few photos of him over the last week and a half through various websites. I will probably post more periodically but everyone who follows me knows that I try not to post too much of the same thing at one time. That includes celebrity crushes, which I never knew that tiny Tim would become one of my crushes but he definitely is starting to become a sparkle in my life and my husband never told me that he actually had the pleasure of meeting him once back in the '90s He said that they did not meet for very long but what he could tell is that tiny Tim was super awesome and he definitely knew what he was doing in the music industry even with all the ridicule. We love you sweetie. #rememberingtinytim #weloveyoubuddy. #celebcrush #cutie #tinytimisbeautifulinsideandout #sexybeast #gonetosoon #wegottosharetheearthforashorttime
Tiny Tim was honestly such a beautiful soul no matter which age he was he shined like the brightest of stars. I acquired quite a few photos of him over the last week and a half through various websites. I will probably post more periodically but everyone who follows me knows that I try not to post too much of the same thing at one time. That includes celebrity crushes, which I never knew that tiny Tim would become one of my crushes but he definitely is starting to become a sparkle in my life and my husband never told me that he actually had the pleasure of meeting him once back in the '90s He said that they did not meet for very long but what he could tell is that tiny Tim was super awesome and he definitely knew what he was doing in the music industry even with all the ridicule. We love you sweetie. #rememberingtinytim #weloveyoubuddy. #celebcrush #cutie #tinytimisbeautifulinsideandout #sexybeast #gonetosoon #wegottosharetheearthforashorttime