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  • #robot #robots #robotics #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #technology #engineering #Marathon #running #competition #China
    #robot #robots #robotics #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #technology #engineering #Marathon #running #competition #China https://decrypt.co/301926/china-12000-humans-against-robots-worlds-first-ai-marathon-race
    China to Pit 12,000 Humans Against Robots in World's First AI Marathon Race - Decrypt
    Beijing's half-marathon will see humans racing alongside humanoid robots as China pushes to dominate global robotics.
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  • So the saints were beating falcons 41-17 and the saints intercept the ball run it back and need one yard to score....there is 1 minute left and the saints coach says take a knee....the QB asks the players what they want to do...they decide get a TD...they do that and win 48-17 and the falcons coach cries like a bitch saying it was disrespectful....cry me a river. It's football not "mercyball" and they gave the TD to someone who never scored a TD before so it was a great moment for that player. I love that they did it. Hell if the falcons did it to the saints I would agree with it. If time is left keep fucking playing. Fuck sparing feelings....it's competition....it's not like they ran up to the other team and talked shit after. Truly this is actually hilarious...."no I wanted to lose by 24....not 31....how dare you beat us by more!!
    So the saints were beating falcons 41-17 and the saints intercept the ball run it back and need one yard to score....there is 1 minute left and the saints coach says take a knee....the QB asks the players what they want to do...they decide get a TD...they do that and win 48-17 and the falcons coach cries like a bitch saying it was disrespectful....cry me a river. It's football not "mercyball" and they gave the TD to someone who never scored a TD before so it was a great moment for that player. I love that they did it. Hell if the falcons did it to the saints I would agree with it. If time is left keep fucking playing. Fuck sparing feelings....it's competition....it's not like they ran up to the other team and talked shit after. Truly this is actually hilarious...."no I wanted to lose by 24....not 31....how dare you beat us by more!!
    17 Comments 0 Shares 589 Views
  • So whats everyone's social credit score today? Did anyone j walk recently or fail to mask up for the latest cold going around? And go down -5000 social credit, what sector of your country are you in?, Do you have the special permission ticket from the elites to go into the sector right next door?What gender do you identify as today? and Are you playing in the Mens or Womans or the light bulbs or the flying unicorns weight lifting competition today? My friend has still got an upset stomach from eating the dung beetle, What bugs did you eat today? Did you get your 5+ a day different bugs for nutrition?Gee its a shame global warming is killing most people off by giving them myocarditius and cancer the fact their are studies proving its the vaccine is just racist! Studies and evidence is racist! Maths is racist to! (the sad fact is this could all become a reality)
    So whats everyone's social credit score today? Did anyone j walk recently or fail to mask up for the latest cold going around? And go down -5000 social credit, what sector of your country are you in?, Do you have the special permission ticket from the elites to go into the sector right next door?What gender do you identify as today? and Are you playing in the Mens or Womans or the light bulbs or the flying unicorns weight lifting competition today? My friend has still got an upset stomach from eating the dung beetle, What bugs did you eat today? Did you get your 5+ a day different bugs for nutrition?Gee its a shame global warming is killing most people off by giving them myocarditius and cancer the fact their are studies proving its the vaccine is just racist! Studies and evidence is racist! Maths is racist to! (the sad fact is this could all become a reality)
    0 Comments 0 Shares 860 Views
  • Dilation Pumpkins

    It was set up by midwives at the Royal Oldham Hospital in Lancashire, England as part of a pumpkin decorating competition.
    Dilation Pumpkins 🤣 It was set up by midwives at the Royal Oldham Hospital in Lancashire, England as part of a pumpkin decorating competition.
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