I'm logging off in 18 minutes. If the whole office burns down, I literally don't care until I'm back on the 6th of January, next year.
Time to get home soon and start packing the stuff prior to flying to Germany tomorrow morning.
I'm logging off in 18 minutes. If the whole office burns down, I literally don't care until I'm back on the 6th of January, next year.
Time to get home soon and start packing the stuff prior to flying to Germany tomorrow morning. 🥳
CristallDarcyAffectmentisInfernalHate, you guys, I booked a flight to Munich for tomorrow so I guess I will spend some time in Germany between Christmas and New Year. :D :D :D
[CristallDarcy] [Affectmentis] [InfernalHate], you guys, I booked a flight to Munich for tomorrow so I guess I will spend some time in Germany between Christmas and New Year. :D :D :D
The fact that I am the only German speaking person in our offices in Cork pains me. Now all Germany constantly keeps contacting me for their technical issues. :D :D
The fact that I am the only German speaking person in our offices in Cork pains me. Now all Germany constantly keeps contacting me for their technical issues. :D :D
Checked the emails now and the company from Germany scheduled an interview with me. :o I'm kinda fucked, aren't I? InfernalHateAffectmentisCristallDarcy
Checked the emails now and the company from Germany scheduled an interview with me. :o I'm kinda fucked, aren't I? 🤣
[InfernalHate] [Affectmentis] [CristallDarcy] 😅