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  • President Trump being convicted of made up crimes in a Soviet Union/Nazi Germany style Show trial, shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone. President Trump was never going to get a fair trial in New York, a bastion of Communism in this country. He was deemed guilty on day 1 without a crime.

    New York is a Communist State and Communism is on the rise in this country.

    As of today, this Country is no longer a Democratic State, "Democracy" is dead. As our Country veers further into Communism, our current Political system is on par with THe Russian Federation's System. Corrupt elections to keep one Party in Power, led by a Dictator.

    The next step? A full Communist/Nazi takeover of the Country in which One Party rules and eliminates "Elections" and you know how bad that was in Nazi Germany and in its identical Socialist ideology neighbor, Communism in the Soviet Union.
    President Trump being convicted of made up crimes in a Soviet Union/Nazi Germany style Show trial, shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone. President Trump was never going to get a fair trial in New York, a bastion of Communism in this country. He was deemed guilty on day 1 without a crime. New York is a Communist State and Communism is on the rise in this country. As of today, this Country is no longer a Democratic State, "Democracy" is dead. As our Country veers further into Communism, our current Political system is on par with THe Russian Federation's System. Corrupt elections to keep one Party in Power, led by a Dictator. The next step? A full Communist/Nazi takeover of the Country in which One Party rules and eliminates "Elections" and you know how bad that was in Nazi Germany and in its identical Socialist ideology neighbor, Communism in the Soviet Union.
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    #pokemon #communism
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  • #communism #bdsm
    #communism #bdsm
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    #Communism #Capitalism
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