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"Social media users could face two years in prison for sending messages or posting content that causes 'psychological harm'..."

Without a constitutionally guaranteed right of free speech, this is what can happen. And with all of the emotional snowflakes out there, who seem to consider being offended like it is a badge of honor or something, just imagine how widely this could be applied.

To be sure, there are plenty of threats to free speech in the USA. Here, since the The Constitution prohibits Federal / State legislatures (and municipal equivalents) from passing something like that described in the article, they can just side-step it by colluding with the private sector (i.e., Facebook censorship, etc.), to which the 1st Amendment does not apply.

But at least one can choose to not use platforms that bend over to a certain ideology...can't escape the state itself, unless one moves outside its borders.

Of course I could talk all day about the merits of political migration. If you know, you know.

"Social media users could face two years in prison for sending messages or posting content that causes 'psychological harm'..." Without a constitutionally guaranteed right of free speech, this is what can happen. And with all of the emotional snowflakes out there, who seem to consider being offended like it is a badge of honor or something, just imagine how widely this could be applied. To be sure, there are plenty of threats to free speech in the USA. Here, since the The Constitution prohibits Federal / State legislatures (and municipal equivalents) from passing something like that described in the article, they can just side-step it by colluding with the private sector (i.e., Facebook censorship, etc.), to which the 1st Amendment does not apply. But at least one can choose to not use platforms that bend over to a certain ideology...can't escape the state itself, unless one moves outside its borders. Of course I could talk all day about the merits of political migration. If you know, you know. https://fee.org/articles/uk-considering-legislation-that-would-imprison-internet-trolls/
UK Considering Legislation That Would Imprison Internet Trolls
“Trolls could face two years in prison for sending messages or posting content that causes psychological harm under legislation targeting online hate,” the Times of London reports.
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