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Yesterday the Woodward dream Cruise was such a fun and amazing time! So many Nice vehicles whether it be classic cars or newer cars. It was definitely a great day to be a resident of Michigan. I'm really hoping to go next year and drive in it again sitting on the sidelines with not as fun as driving in it. Take me back . People travel here for this event as well. However there are so many more people that got better photos than I did I'm not the greatest photographer especially when I'm out and about. #woodwarddreamcruise2023 #classiccars #carparade #dreamcruise #michigansummers #whyissummersoshort #didanyoneelsego?
Yesterday the Woodward dream Cruise was such a fun and amazing time! So many Nice vehicles whether it be classic cars or newer cars. It was definitely a great day to be a resident of Michigan. I'm really hoping to go next year and drive in it again sitting on the sidelines with not as fun as driving in it. Take me back đŸ”„. People travel here for this event as well. However there are so many more people that got better photos than I did I'm not the greatest photographer especially when I'm out and about. #woodwarddreamcruise2023 #classiccars #carparade #dreamcruise #michigansummers #whyissummersoshort #didanyoneelsego?
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