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'Tis a good day. Well, it already was anyway, but a NH state bill that I asked to be filed has passed the House and Senate. It went through some complex parliamentary procedures, resulting in a "Committee of Conference", where House and Senate members formed a subcommittee to reconcile differences between the two legislative bodies' versions. The committee report was adopted by the House 186-185 (talk about close!), and then adopted by the Senate 14-10. Now on to the Governor's desk!

No, I won't say what the bill is until it's all said and done.
'Tis a good day. Well, it already was anyway, but a NH state bill that I asked to be filed has passed the House and Senate. It went through some complex parliamentary procedures, resulting in a "Committee of Conference", where House and Senate members formed a subcommittee to reconcile differences between the two legislative bodies' versions. The committee report was adopted by the House 186-185 (talk about close!), and then adopted by the Senate 14-10. Now on to the Governor's desk! No, I won't say what the bill is until it's all said and done.
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