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The Olympics have now concluded their closing ceremonies. Congratulations to all horses & riders for the beautiful Dressage/Jumping performances. Sweden takes gold🎖 USA takes silver
Belgium wins bronze.
So many gorgeous horses and great riders this year. We enjoyed watching. Equestrian is the only sport I'm interested in watching. Great job to all other sports that went into these olympics as well. We hope everyone enjoyed these games in 2021! See you all at the paris 2024 olympics. #equestrianolympics2020 #tokyo2020 #equestrianlife #olympics #usatakessilver2020 #seeyouin3years #parisisnext2024
The Olympics have now concluded their closing ceremonies. Congratulations to all horses & riders for the beautiful Dressage/Jumping performances. Sweden takes gold🎖 USA takes silver Belgium wins bronze. So many gorgeous horses and great riders this year. We enjoyed watching. Equestrian is the only sport I'm interested in watching. Great job to all other sports that went into these olympics as well. We hope everyone enjoyed these games in 2021! See you all at the paris 2024 olympics. #equestrianolympics2020 #tokyo2020 #equestrianlife #olympics #usatakessilver2020 #seeyouin3years #parisisnext2024
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