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So one night at my apartment center I’m outside smoking a cig as usual and I hear gun shots and well wouldn’t you know it was a BB gun or something on a house that’s being built for a father and son that are needy which really sucks cause ppl should be all about being decent but not too many ppl believing in helping each other out which sucks… STOP BEING SCUM OF THE EARTH AND JUST BE DECENT TO EACH OTHER STOP BEING FUCKING CUNT TARDS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP BEING A DOUCHE BAG

I guess it’s goons for life
So one night at my apartment center I’m outside smoking a cig as usual and I hear gun shots and well wouldn’t you know it was a BB gun or something on a house that’s being built for a father and son that are needy which really sucks cause ppl should be all about being decent but not too many ppl believing in helping each other out which sucks… STOP BEING SCUM OF THE EARTH AND JUST BE DECENT TO EACH OTHER STOP BEING FUCKING CUNT TARDS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP BEING A DOUCHE BAG I guess it’s goons for life
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