My neck, shoulder and back didn't hurt at all while in Costa Rica a few weeks back and I was lugging a 50 lbs military backpack back and forth.
My girl said it was probably the warm weather.
I noticed the difference soon as I got home and felt the cold weather.
I woke up stiff and not in a good way ladies and sexually confused young men...My back was stiff...How stiff you ask?
This stiff:
Is it legal in your area?
I just read it's legal in 40 states still...WTF???
That shit was making zombies in my area and I even had a freind stab himself in the heart and kill himself "To get the demon in his chest!"
Well he got him good.
I hear this is quite normal in Florida:
I can't lie I too was addicted to Spice:
Baby Spice that is...I'd sexually disappoint her like no man had before if...