Gonna meet up this week with someone whose been kind and bringing her a root beer float cake Im making, the other one goes to the family who I get to watch their grandson on Tuesdays. Hey who doesnt want a root beer cake for breakfast? lol.
Gonna meet up this week with someone whose been kind and bringing her a root beer float cake Im making, the other one goes to the family who I get to watch their grandson on Tuesdays. Hey who doesnt want a root beer cake for breakfast? lol.
You know, I post a lot about how well I do in my courses, but goddamn do I work in such a great IT environment.
Truly blessed from some sort of celestial being. ggez
You know, I post a lot about how well I do in my courses, but goddamn do I work in such a great IT environment.
Truly blessed from some sort of celestial being. ggez