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  • #nature #USA #Utah
    Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah
    #nature #USA #Utah Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah
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  • Back in 86, I was arrested in Utah on obscenity charges for using the word thighs in mixed company. Man...are those Mormons strict!
    Back in 86, I was arrested in Utah on obscenity charges for using the word thighs in mixed company. Man...are those Mormons strict!
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  • The Wedding is finally happening on Saturday, so heading out in the next few days to Moab,Utah first time there and the break from work is needed !
    The Wedding is finally happening on Saturday, so heading out in the next few days to Moab,Utah first time there and the break from work is needed !
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  • My brother has been in and out of jail/prison his adult life.. drug issues..he got paroled out to live with me and mom..but he kept sneaking out, sneaking drugs(i found a makeshift meth pipe thing from a gatorade bottle) then he finally left..said he was going to rehab (his PO said its either prison or rehab)he hated the idea of rehab ..but he came, packed his bags and said he was going...that was february..now in august he comes out of a convenience store with cigarettes and theres like 4Marshalls there to pick him up..he was in jail, we went and visited yesterday..today we got notification he got moved..probly back to prison in Utah...I'm sad abt it
    My brother has been in and out of jail/prison his adult life.. drug issues..he got paroled out to live with me and mom..but he kept sneaking out, sneaking drugs(i found a makeshift meth pipe thing from a gatorade bottle) then he finally left..said he was going to rehab (his PO said its either prison or rehab)he hated the idea of rehab ..but he came, packed his bags and said he was going...that was february..now in august he comes out of a convenience store with cigarettes and theres like 4Marshalls there to pick him up..he was in jail, we went and visited yesterday..today we got notification he got moved..probly back to prison in Utah...I'm sad abt it
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  • Hey everyone, there is supposedly only 10 weeks of diesel fuel left in the US, meaning food supply chain is about to go to sh*t. Please stock up on food and other supplies while you can, but be kind and leave some for others. I live in Utah where most people are preppers and own guns and farm. But others are not so lucky. Get prepared and leave the city because it’s about to get real. Stock up on ammo. This could just be an overreaction. Fuel shortages have happened in the past, but its always good to be prepared. Stay safe.
    Hey everyone, there is supposedly only 10 weeks of diesel fuel left in the US, meaning food supply chain is about to go to sh*t. Please stock up on food and other supplies while you can, but be kind and leave some for others. I live in Utah where most people are preppers and own guns and farm. But others are not so lucky. Get prepared and leave the city because it’s about to get real. Stock up on ammo. This could just be an overreaction. Fuel shortages have happened in the past, but its always good to be prepared. Stay safe.
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