Meanwhile in Beirut...Hezbollah's newest pop sensation sings his hit song, "I've got the Israeli Defense Forces Blues!" I hear the song is rocketing up the charts!
Meanwhile in Beirut...Hezbollah's newest pop sensation sings his hit song, "I've got the Israeli Defense Forces Blues!" I hear the song is rocketing up the charts!
Due to circumstances beyond their control, the annual Hezbollah Halloween Hootenanny has been canceled. If you're a member of this terrorist group, please call or text the IDF for more information.
Due to circumstances beyond their control, the annual Hezbollah Halloween Hootenanny has been canceled. If you're a member of this terrorist group, please call or text the IDF for more information.
Iran has supplied Hezbollah and other Iranian proxy forces with electromagnetic ordnance, which can disable communication systems and shut down radars, according to a report by the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida. “Think of the analogy from the 1960s, which describes that in a nuclear explosion, only the cockroaches would survive. In the same vein, in an electromagnetic […]