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Hello friends, my name is Ravneet Kaur, I am a model girl living in Delhi or I have completed my studies in Delhi or now I am working in an Escorts agency whose name is Vasant Kunj escorts, this is the best or safe of Delhi Escorts agency is there on which you can book the girl of your choice like air hostess model girl celebrity girl actress girl Desi Bhabi Russian also you can book our agency you can book the girl of your choice at low price it is available 24*7 You can book a girl whenever you want, this agency can book girls at your home or office, so you will not have to worry, thank you so much
  • 1 Entradas
  • 1 Fotos
  • 0 Videos
  • Vive en Vasant Kunj Delhi
  • De Delhi
  • Single
  • 02/04/1911
  • seguida por 2 people
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