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Ever since discovering Liminal Space videos on Youtube, I became obsessed with it lol I now love watching Liminal Space videos. I mainly watch the nostalgia ones, since it brings me back to my childhood. It also amazes me that whoever took these photos makes me feel like I've been to that place, even though I haven't. I also love the relaxing music they use for Liminal Space videos too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HnCIIBLRFM
Ever since discovering Liminal Space videos on Youtube, I became obsessed with it lol I now love watching Liminal Space videos. I mainly watch the nostalgia ones, since it brings me back to my childhood. It also amazes me that whoever took these photos makes me feel like I've been to that place, even though I haven't. I also love the relaxing music they use for Liminal Space videos too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HnCIIBLRFM
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