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I watched the new Beverly Hills Cop movie and loved it. I brought me back to my childhood. I smiled and laughed throughout the whole movie. Seeing the original cast reunited and hearing the main theme put a big smile on my face. Kevin Bacon also played an awesome villain. I love all the movies, but Beverly Hills Cop 3 and this new movie are probably my favorites. I really enjoyed this movie.

I watched the new Beverly Hills Cop movie and loved it. I brought me back to my childhood. I smiled and laughed throughout the whole movie. Seeing the original cast reunited and hearing the main theme put a big smile on my face. Kevin Bacon also played an awesome villain. I love all the movies, but Beverly Hills Cop 3 and this new movie are probably my favorites. I really enjoyed this movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cwd3poKAP8
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