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What's annoying, is that the Biden people are allowed on Fox News & other places and falsely claim that 'Trump lied all Debate' without proof or evidence and the interviewers give them no push back and never counter Biden people lies by saying that it was actually Biden who lied all debate with fake news, even long debunked fake news and outright lies.

Reality is President Trump had a great debate because he relied on facts and honesty and behaved like class act
What's annoying, is that the Biden people are allowed on Fox News & other places and falsely claim that 'Trump lied all Debate' without proof or evidence and the interviewers give them no push back and never counter Biden people lies by saying that it was actually Biden who lied all debate with fake news, even long debunked fake news and outright lies. Reality is President Trump had a great debate because he relied on facts and honesty and behaved like class act
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