One if my favorite matches ever. Brutal. When Batista held up the hammer and triple h jumped off the top and hit his face in it and spit out all the blood during the whiplash I was like "holy shit good sell!" This match was great and I like this song....mudvayne got some good songs.
One if my favorite matches ever. Brutal. When Batista held up the hammer and triple h jumped off the top and hit his face in it and spit out all the blood during the whiplash I was like "holy shit good sell!" This match was great and I like this song....mudvayne got some good songs.
One if my favorite matches ever. Brutal. When Batista held up the hammer and triple h jumped off the top and hit his face in it and spit out all the blood during the whiplash I was like "holy shit good sell!" This match was great and I like this song....mudvayne got some good songs.