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So we have a Goth Club in MN that had bondage a go-go nights so may check that out sometime when I'm not crazy busy. Lol I remember back in highschool Haveing the typical "guys discussing guy things" durring lunch with a few friends,I mentioned bdsm and one of my buddy's freaked out,he was like "dude seriously ?!?! Your into that but not normal Porn ?" Yeeahh...wild times back then.
So we have a Goth Club in MN that had bondage a go-go nights so may check that out sometime when I'm not crazy busy. Lol I remember back in highschool Haveing the typical "guys discussing guy things" durring lunch with a few friends,I mentioned bdsm and one of my buddy's freaked out,he was like "dude seriously ?!?! Your into that but not normal Porn ?" Yeeahh...wild times back then.
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