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US Suicide Hotline -
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
UK Suicide Hotlines -
Samaritans - Helpline: 116 123
(free of charge from a landline or mobile)
Calm - 0800 585858
HopeLine UK - 0800 068 4141
Lifeline (N.Ireland) - 0808 808 8000
National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK -
0800 689 5652
Canada Suicide Hotline-
Suicide Canada (1-833-456-4566)
Quebec - 1 866 APPELLE (1-866-277-3553)

So I have been debating putting this out there. This month a friend committed suicide. He was a very good man and he ALWAYS seemed happy. He was always the one trying to make others feel okay, to try to make sure others were happy. He never put himself first and in this day and age where everyone is so busy no one noticed the darkness consuming him. Not even me. If you are contemplating suicide please don't. Reach out to family/friends/religious leaders/therapist, etc. You do matter. You do have a purpose. Life is SO lucky to have you. Please do NOT give up.
US Suicide Hotline - 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline ___________________________ UK Suicide Hotlines - Samaritans - Helpline: 116 123 (free of charge from a landline or mobile) Calm - 0800 585858 HopeLine UK - 0800 068 4141 Lifeline (N.Ireland) - 0808 808 8000 National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK - 0800 689 5652 ______________________________ Canada Suicide Hotline- Suicide Canada (1-833-456-4566) Quebec - 1 866 APPELLE (1-866-277-3553) So I have been debating putting this out there. This month a friend committed suicide. He was a very good man and he ALWAYS seemed happy. He was always the one trying to make others feel okay, to try to make sure others were happy. He never put himself first and in this day and age where everyone is so busy no one noticed the darkness consuming him. Not even me. If you are contemplating suicide please don't. Reach out to family/friends/religious leaders/therapist, etc. You do matter. You do have a purpose. Life is SO lucky to have you. Please do NOT give up.
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