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I know as the colder months come around as well as holidays sometimes finances get tight. This is a website where you go to your state, county and resource you need and it will give you the information in that area to get you the help you need. Also remember if you have kids a LOT of Christmas assistance places start taking applications in September so do not wait until it is to late to get set up for it for you and your kiddos. 

I know as the colder months come around as well as holidays sometimes finances get tight. This is a website where you go to your state, county and resource you need and it will give you the information in that area to get you the help you need. Also remember if you have kids a LOT of Christmas assistance places start taking applications in September so do not wait until it is to late to get set up for it for you and your kiddos.  https://www.needhelppayingbills.com/
Get help with paying bills
Find financial assistance programs that help with bills. Get help with paying bills ASAP including utility, credit card debts, food costs, medical, rent, taxes, water or electric bills.
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