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GOTH, I have supposed often is a code like Witch is for decisions,
about having realised an idea.
this is why Goths love decay, death, funerals, disease, suicides as they represent the passing of the state of unknowing, unrealised concepts to realised new wisdoms, as old ideas or unknowings expire and die.
It is a lyrical celebration of revelation having buried, or having set on fire, old ideas.
GOTH, GOT THAT! GOTH, I have supposed often is a code like Witch is for decisions, about having realised an idea. this is why Goths love decay, death, funerals, disease, suicides as they represent the passing of the state of unknowing, unrealised concepts to realised new wisdoms, as old ideas or unknowings expire and die. It is a lyrical celebration of revelation having buried, or having set on fire, old ideas.
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