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  • Recently, it was reported that Neymar informed the PSG management of his desire to leave the club and return to Barcelona. However, the Brazilian has other options for continuing his career. This is reported by https://bookmaker-ratings.net.za

    According to the source, Neymar received an offer from Saudi Arabia with a salary of € 300 million to € 400 million.

    At the same time, according to RMC Sport, the player's entourage is negotiating with Chelsea. New PSG head coach Luis Enrique wants Neymar to stay, but the Brazilian is set to leave. Returning to Barcelona is a priority, but an unlikely option, since Xavi does not support this idea.

    One of the Brazilian clubs is also interested in signing the PSG star, but Neymar does not want to return to his homeland yet.
    Recently, it was reported that Neymar informed the PSG management of his desire to leave the club and return to Barcelona. However, the Brazilian has other options for continuing his career. This is reported by https://bookmaker-ratings.net.za According to the source, Neymar received an offer from Saudi Arabia with a salary of € 300 million to € 400 million. At the same time, according to RMC Sport, the player's entourage is negotiating with Chelsea. New PSG head coach Luis Enrique wants Neymar to stay, but the Brazilian is set to leave. Returning to Barcelona is a priority, but an unlikely option, since Xavi does not support this idea. One of the Brazilian clubs is also interested in signing the PSG star, but Neymar does not want to return to his homeland yet.
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