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Dr. Ashwani Maichand (MBBS, MS(Orthopaedics), Mch(Orthopaedics)) brings with him a rich experience of Orthopaedics, more than two decades of which has been dedicated to joint reconstruction. He is the Sr. Consultant & Director at Minomax Orthopaedics and Director, Robotic and Minimal Access Orthopaedic Surgery, CK Birla Hospital, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi
  • 1 Entradas
  • 1 Fotos
  • Vive en Room No. 7, CK Birla Hospital, 57/41, Rd Number 41, West Punjabi Bagh, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi, Delhi, 110026
  • 11/15/1992
  • seguida por 0 people
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