Gonna try to go after my angsty teen dream job and send in a portfolio to model for VampireFreaks. (Tho the original dream was for Hot Topic, but I don't live in or anywhere near LA.) Is it dumb? Yes. Will I look stupid? Most likely. But is it worth sending in? Fuck yeah, it is.
Gonna try to go after my angsty teen dream job and send in a portfolio to model for VampireFreaks. (Tho the original dream was for Hot Topic, but I don't live in or anywhere near LA.) Is it dumb? Yes. Will I look stupid? Most likely. But is it worth sending in? Fuck yeah, it is.
So (2) ladies on my block have died recently.
One was in her 60's and very healthy looking, then she disappeared for a month came back and said she had Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer...I knew that was a done deal...That shit takes you quick.
I assume it was the Astroceneca they forced everyone here to get.
Now her kids took over the house and it's become dirty and unkept...It's shameful because the...