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Hi there! I´m an introverted baby bat (willing to learn hehe) from Germany and you can just call me Solanine or Stripes (that´s what my friends call me). My hobbies are reading, drawing, cross-stitching, sewing, writing short stories, songs or poems, playing guitar, singing, listening to music and collecting vinyl. My favorite bands are The White Stripes, The Cure, Bauhaus, The Black Belles, The Raconteurs and The Dead Weather (I love Jack White). I could spend hours talking about music...
But anyways, my favorite authors are Edgar Allan Poe and Stephen King, I´ve got a soft spot for beautiful illustrations, old things and thrillers and I speak three 1/2 languages. In particular I´m here to find some new people to talk to and if you have similar interests (or just want to talk) just write me :)
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