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I am a person too.
I am straight but, I am also a lesbian with a penis. lol If you're offended by that then I already don't like you.
I'm a male lesbian because I like eating healthy pink tacos more than I like putting extra meat in them. Not a joke, but that is a funny statement, no? lol
There is no reason for me to really bother with the "About Me" box. The DM "box" however... but I'm not on here much at all and am not fond of social media in general. If you are on here regularly and wanna get to know me a bit then maybe you can use that "box".
If it's not clear... you gotta DM me first. I don't vibe with social media like that to be bothered with it.
For faster responses see my IG that I barely use beyond gaming clips but get notifications for cuz it's on my phone.
  • 5 Beiträge
  • 3 Fotos
  • 0 Videos
  • Lebt in Some cave within Hell's Offsprings
  • Von Hell's Offsprings
  • Single
  • 09/21/1997
  • anschliessend 9 people
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