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A woman who’s deeply passionate about gothic aesthetics, often found surrounded by dark, intricate decor. My love for music is ever-present, often playing or listening to tunes that resonate with my soulful and mysterious nature. Perpetually finding solace in rainy, cloudy days, where the grey skies and the sound of raindrops bring me peace. My affinity for all things dark and enigmatic defines my unique and captivating personality. Music is my escape and my absolute expression; I plays instruments with a passionate intensity and have a collection of records and CDs spanning from classical to darkwave. My room is a sanctuary of dimly lit candles, antique furniture, and shelves filled with classic horror novels and poetry.I feel a profound connection with nature during stormy weather, often taking walks under an umbrella to enjoy the serenity of deserted, rain-soaked streets. My personality is an enchanting blend of melancholic and romantic, with a mysterious charm.My presence is both captivating and comforting, embodying the beauty of the shadows in a world full of light.
  • 6 Posts
  • 5 Photos
  • Lives in Harrisburg
  • From Pennsylvania
  • In a relationship
  • 10/21/1987
  • Followed by 2 people
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