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- I'm a traditional goth (Gruftie), I'm sure you can tell 🖤 as well as a cybergoth

- German/English

- Artist and animator currently studying to become a game designer 🎨 (Working on my first game atm)

- I love Videogames, especially everything Nintendo and Horror related 🎮

- Music: Metal, Industrial, Gothic, post-punk... and everything else that is alternative 🎶🤘 I'm very open when it comes to music

- Photography/baking and going to concerts are some of my hobbies besides gaming

- Love Cartoons/Anime/Horrorfilms

- I'm a very romantic person (love writing poems), very clingy and affectionate!

- I'm looking for my soulmate, my one and true love but also for friends! What I'm not looking for are ons as well as friendships +

- If you wanna know more about me, you can always drop me a message! I only bite in bed
  • 6 Articoli
  • 13 Foto
  • 0 Video
  • Vive a Vienna
  • Dal Vienna
  • Single
  • 09/21/2001
  • Seguito da 11 people
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