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When I was child I believed, but now I know.... So should you...
Im here to free you. I do only black magic, darkest you can imagine (but you probably cant) no fluff, real herb work that actually do the thing, energy work, and science mixed with it all, also I'm practitioner of neuro linguistic programing, psychology, hypnosis and alchemy. You can consider me a coach. I have solution for everything you need, and, my magic may be labeled black not because you are going to pay with your soul but because of my most unorthodox and odd methods, that proved extraordinarily effective... In time I will make a list so you can understand more clearly what I offer...
I hate magic as you know it, I hate your childish incantations and rhymes, your weak systems of belief, placebo and nocebo games, low frequency entities you call gods guides and guardians, and I eat them...like, literally... I utilize my dark ways to bottle them up and drain their energies
...Studied theology for years, also did private research of occult, Assyrian, Sumer and Egyptian magic, Theosophy, Gnosticism, Kabalism...
I like pyramidology, high technology you can make at home and things that give visible effects, or simply, real stuff, real working stuff, no fluff or hocus pocus...
Abys of Knowledge-Home of Secrets-Keeper of Unspeakable Revelations-God of Demons-Lord of Passions-Ruler of Body-
  • 9 Posts
  • 8 Photos
  • 12/13/1993
  • Followed by 88 people
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