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  • https://youtu.be/xlBikPOehEg?si=bt1Gafw9VdJk6z9d

    Once again I find myself alone, I feel there is no other way
    Can it be I’ve got a heart of stone? I feel my life is written like a play
    Help me say it loud, The visions in my mind won’t let me down
    Help me get my cure, There’s something else, I cannot be for sure

    Talk to me, come on - I feel your hate so clear, I feel it all around
    Talk to me, come on - I never thought I’d fear my own desires near

    I don’t wanna stare into thе darkness or settle for thе give and take
    Can it be we have another problem? I feel like everything is a mistake
    Help me say it loud, The visions in my mind won’t let me down
    Help me get my cure, There’s something else, I cannot be for sure

    Talk to me, come on - I feel your hate so clear, I feel it all around
    Talk to me, come on - I never thought I’d fear my own desires near
    Talk to me, come on - oh I cannot let you go, my black heart tells me so
    Talk to me, come on - oh I don’t want to be vain, a life without your name

    Just talk to me, just talk to me
    Talk to me, talk to me, just talk to me
    https://youtu.be/xlBikPOehEg?si=bt1Gafw9VdJk6z9d Once again I find myself alone, I feel there is no other way Can it be I’ve got a heart of stone? I feel my life is written like a play Help me say it loud, The visions in my mind won’t let me down Help me get my cure, There’s something else, I cannot be for sure Talk to me, come on - I feel your hate so clear, I feel it all around Talk to me, come on - I never thought I’d fear my own desires near I don’t wanna stare into thе darkness or settle for thе give and take Can it be we have another problem? I feel like everything is a mistake Help me say it loud, The visions in my mind won’t let me down Help me get my cure, There’s something else, I cannot be for sure Talk to me, come on - I feel your hate so clear, I feel it all around Talk to me, come on - I never thought I’d fear my own desires near Talk to me, come on - oh I cannot let you go, my black heart tells me so Talk to me, come on - oh I don’t want to be vain, a life without your name Just talk to me, just talk to me Talk to me, talk to me, just talk to me
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  • Grocery shopping after a few tasty, strong mugs of beers is kinda nice.

    But the bloody store is playing "Material Girl", by Madonna
    Grocery shopping after a few tasty, strong mugs of beers is kinda nice. But the bloody store is playing "Material Girl", by Madonna 😂
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