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  • Could You Be a Web Moderator?
    Seems easy, okay pay, but the mental toxicity seems heavy...Hence the high burn out rate. Had read some story on Vice and was watching a short, terrible film on it and I don't think I could. Even with my sociopathic ways, I have a weakness for Little Dogs, children and Old People...So sitting there watching people being cruel or mean to them without being able to help or do anything would piss...
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  • Gothic fashion model
    Kiara Kazumi is a model based in Hamburg. She also plays in "Grausame Tochter" a goth ebm/punk band, that once supported Marilyn Manson. This ad is from Subs.tv but she has her own website. If you know any fashion label who could use this model and the many Hamburg photographers available please forward her details to the fashion designer/ label as she is looking for work . She gets well over...
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